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[FIXED][1.4.2] [6.0.1] Custom pickaxe refuses to break obsidian

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Im new to modding and I have no clue why this still wont work


package archangel.emeraldtools.item;


import net.minecraft.src.Block;

import net.minecraft.src.EnumToolMaterial;

import net.minecraft.src.Item;

import net.minecraft.src.ItemStack;

import net.minecraftforge.common.EnumHelper;

import archangel.emeraldtools.lib.ItemIds;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;


public class ModItems {

//The tool material

public static EnumToolMaterial emeraldT = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("emeraldT", 5, 1800, 11F, 3, 11);

    /* Item name constants */

    public static final String EMERALD_PICKAXE_NAME = "pickaxeEmerald";


    /* Mod item instances */

    public static void init() {


        /* Initialize each mod item individually */

pickaxeEmerald = new EmeraldPickaxe(ItemIds.EMERALDPICKAXE, emeraldT).setIconIndex(4).setItemName("EmeraldPickaxe");




package archangel.emeraldtools.item;


import net.minecraft.src.CreativeTabs;

import net.minecraft.src.EnumToolMaterial;

import net.minecraft.src.ItemPickaxe;

import archangel.emeraldtools.CommonProxy;


public class EmeraldPickaxe extends ItemPickaxe {

public EmeraldPickaxe(int id, EnumToolMaterial par2EnumToolMaterial) {

super(id, par2EnumToolMaterial);

maxStackSize = 64;




public String getTextureFile() {

return CommonProxy.ITEMS_PNG;






I have even copied the same material setup for diamond and it still doesnt work


Try to change the maxStackSize to 1, that could be the problem and change the 5 to a 3, because i think the game does not handle anything over a 3!

If this helps, please leave a Thanks!

The Korecraft Mod


Try to change the maxStackSize to 1, that could be the problem and change the 5 to a 3, because i think the game does not handle anything over a 3!

If this helps, please leave a Thanks!


I have a 5 on one of my items and it works, so it must be the maxstacksize!

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