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I have a class which implements IFluidTank and IFluidHandler. I have it worked out so that fluid can only be piped in/out through the top/bottom of the block, but pipes from other mods still connect to the sides of my tank. Is there something I can do to my block to disallow pipe connections from specific sides? Thank you!

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I'll be going back and re-writing the code using FluidTank; I actually didn't see that before I (basically finished) my TE.


I wouldn't think that you'd have to use mod-specific APIs to keep their pipes from connecting, since most of them don't connect to everything anyway (the ground/non-tank blocks). I mean, ExtraUtilies pipes won't connect to anything that doesn't allow fluids/items in a specific side iirc (for example: Thermal Expansion machines have sides which can be toggled on/off). Maybe I just need to do more digging...

Able to differentiate the difference of a sum and an integral.

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