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Event Handler for specific, newly spawned Entity


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Hello Guys! :)


I'm quiet new in modding, but I do know how to work in java.


So, my problem: I'm summoning and launching a Pig with a custom Item, it's working, so far so good.

Now, I want the Pig to explode as soon as it touches the ground. The thing is, I don't know which Event Handler to use and I don't know how to blow up just the SPECIFIC newly summoned Pig, because Handlers are working for all kinds of entities which are touching the ground.


Or maybe it's a dumb idea to use Handlers for executing stuff when a specific pig lands on the ground?

I hope you can tell me some ideas or show me some real code.


With regards.


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To keep track of a specific entity attach an IExtendedEntityProperties to it. Then you can use LivingFallEvent to do stuff while that specific pig falls.


should I implement this interface you named in the class of the item which launches the pigs (summons them in the players facing direction)? or should i create a sub-class of EntityPig and implement this interface?


Thank you for your quick answer! :)

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