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[1.7.10][Solved]Entity Rendering Help


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OK, the function is fixed, but my entity looks glitchy. Maybe something wrong here?


EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityDataSwordman.class, "entityDataSwordman", 1, Main.instance, 100, 100, true);


EDIT: That is, the entity first starts to move to a target direction, but after a while, it zooms back, and moves at another direction... and then it possibly zooms back again...

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STILL cant get it right!!!

I have used up my Pastebin allowance already...





My custom entity:



My custom render:

public class RenderDataCreature extends RenderBiped {


ResourceLocation dataTexture;


public RenderDataCreature() {

super(new ModelBiped(0), 0.5F);

this.dataTexture = new ResourceLocation(Main.MODID + ":" + "textures/entity/steve.png");

// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub




protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityLiving p_110775_1_) {

        return this.dataTexture;





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Its The range at which MC will send tracking


The frequency of tracking updates


:D (thanks cpt. obvious!)


I know, I know, HOLD your applause, I am but a humble helper.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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