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[1.8] Binding Texture With Texture Manager


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#1 If you can get the player skin as a TextureAtlasSprite, then you can add it using TGG's createBakedQuadForFace method from the chess board tutorial.


#2 That's the entire point of IPerspectiveAwareModel. Look at the examples in the two posts I mentioned earlier - they both return different models based on perspective.

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I have most of it done. I appreciate your help @coolAlias. I have a class implementing IPerspectiveAwareModel and have registered it on the ModelBakeEvent. I'm pretty sure I still have to register the render for the item anyway? The tricky part for my item is that I want to de-render cuboids based on first person / third person etc. If you could just help me out on the the handlePerspective() method I think we can conclude this topic! By the way, why is almost everything deprecated?

public class ModelItem implements IPerspectiveAwareModel

private IBakedModel modelItem;

public List getFaceQuads(EnumFacing par1EnumFacing) 
	return this.modelItem.getFaceQuads(par1EnumFacing);

public List getGeneralQuads() 
	return this.modelItem.getGeneralQuads();

public boolean isAmbientOcclusion() 
	return this.modelItem.isAmbientOcclusion();

public boolean isGui3d() 
	return this.modelItem.isGui3d();

public boolean isBuiltInRenderer() 
	return this.modelItem.isBuiltInRenderer();

public TextureAtlasSprite getTexture() 
	return this.modelItem.getTexture();

public ItemCameraTransforms getItemCameraTransforms() 
	return this.modelItem.getItemCameraTransforms();

public Pair<IBakedModel, Matrix4f> handlePerspective(TransformType par1TransformType) 
	case FIRST_PERSON: //What should I do here
	case THIRD_PERSON: //What should I do here
	case GUI: //What should I do here
	return null; //What should I return here

Development of Plugins [2012 - 2014] Development of Mods [2012 - Current]

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