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[1.8] Generating a sphere of air?


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I am making a custom world type with a custom generater and it works but i cant seem to get a sphere of air to generate.  I ttied using the solution here:


but with no success.  It throws and Index of of bounds eception.  So my question is how can i get it to generate it.


Thanks in advanced.

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Show where and how you registered your IWorldGenerator

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1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


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You just need to check the chunk bounds while generating, or even just check if the chunk for each given position is loaded, but that's a lot more checks than simply restricting your bounds.


Given a set of block coordinates x/y/z, the chunk coordinates are (x >> 4) and (z >> 4), which is equivalent to (x / 16) and (z / 16). That will give you the (0, 0) of your current chunk, but you want block coordinates so multiply it by 16 again to get those.

// example
int x = 64;
int z = 72;
int cx = (x >> 4); // gives you 4
int cz = (z >> 4); // also gives you 4
cx = (cx << 4); // gives you 64
cz = (cz << 4); // also gives you 64
// (64, 64) is your zero position for the block coordinates (64, 72)

// This iterates over every x position in the chunk:
for (int i = cx; i < cx + 16; ++i) {
   // put z position, etc.

Or, once you've found the zero position, you can also set the max (zero + 16), and the make sure every block position you set is within those bounds.

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Yes i'm aware that minecraft is generated in chunks my concern was that what ever is getting "cut off" will never be generated at all meaning that a sphere larger han 16/16 will no longer be a sphere.  But im still confused... can i have an example?

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