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Title pretty much sums up the issue I'm having. I've gotten the chunks to stay loaded (I know it's loaded because I set up a furnace to smelt a stack, got well out of chunk load range, easily +2000 blocks away, and when I tp'd back the stack of cobble was nearly smelted. That and I put a debug System.out.println to print "update" if the entity was updating, which can only happen if it is loaded.)


My problem comes in when I teleport to this loaded chunk. The chunks around it don't appear to render until I walk around on them and break/place blocks. I don't fall through the world, and I can see the outline of the block I'm pointing at, but it doesn't look like it would had I not kept the chunk loaded and just tp'd out there.


The second problem I'm encountering is that after I do this a few times, it seems that teleporting causes the chunk loaded in the chunk to "loose" it's ability to keep the chunk loaded.


Here's the update method where the chunk loading is kept:

public void onUpdate(){
    	Block block = worldObj.getBlockState(this.getPosition().subtract(new Vec3i(0, 1, 0))).getBlock();
    	if(!(block instanceof PortalSpawner)){
    		PortalSpawner ps = ((PortalSpawner)block);
    		ps.portal = this;
    		if(ticket == null){
    			ticket = ForgeChunkManager.requestTicket(ModLights.instance, worldObj, Type.NORMAL);
    			System.out.println("creating ticket");
    		ForgeChunkManager.forceChunk(ticket, new ChunkCoordIntPair((int)posX/16, (int)posZ/16));


Yes, this is the same entity I was having trouble with earlier. :P


Thanks for the help guys!



Okay, so I changed the teleport code from:

entityPlayer.setPosition(portals.get(i).posX, portals.get(i).posY +.5F, portals.get(i).posZ);




entityPlayer.setPositionAndUpdate(portals.get(i).posX, portals.get(i).posY +.5F, portals.get(i).posZ);


And that fixed the problems with it not rendering, but now I have 2 new problems ( I changed the topic title accordingly). First it seems like things get reeeaallly laggy when I place a chunk loader, I expect some lag of course, but loading new chunks by moving around and exploring drops FPS to like 10 or so. Should I move this code:


    		if(ticket == null){
    			ticket = ForgeChunkManager.requestTicket(ModLights.instance, worldObj, Type.NORMAL);
    			System.out.println("creating ticket");
    		ForgeChunkManager.forceChunk(ticket, new ChunkCoordIntPair((int)posX/16, (int)posZ/16));

out of the onUpdate method to another one, and if so, what?


Second, it seems like saving and exiting the world, and then coming back in resets the chunk loader and I have to travel to that chunk to make it reload.


Okay, update, seems that the cave issue had nothing to do with being able to see the sky, it has to do with how close two chunk loaders are. If a chunk loader is within the player's chunk distance, it all boils down to which chunk loader gets update first (if they aren't in the same chunk of course), the other one is dropped out of the list. Not sure what's causing that either.

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