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I am trying to understand why this event is not working.






public void onWorldTick(TickEvent.WorldTickEvent event){




            if(tick == 1000){

                                event.world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(0,4,0), blocks.stone.getDefaultState();



    if(tick >= maxTick){

        tick = 0;





The code looks silly and without purpose, but this is a small example of what my code looks like.

When it gets to event.world.setBlockState... It returns false, and doesn't place the block.


I also get the message when it comes time to place the block, [18:01:19] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Unloading dimension 1


It's trying to replace the block at 0, 4, 0 - if that's not loaded, it won't work.

Also, what do I know, but I'd use !event.work.isRemote() instead of event.side.isServer().

I'll put something here when I have something of value I need to put at the end of every post. For now it's this mostly pointless text.


It's trying to replace the block at 0, 4, 0 - if that's not loaded, it won't work.

Also, what do I know, but I'd use !event.work.isRemote() instead of event.side.isServer().


I'm standing 2 blocks away from the location.  Would you know if there'd be a way to force load it?



If it's loaded I have no idea. Sorry!


EDIT: Wait - shouldn't the Blocks in Blocks.stone.getDefaultState() be capatalized?

I'll put something here when I have something of value I need to put at the end of every post. For now it's this mostly pointless text.


After further debugging, I found this bit of code.




if (iblockstate1 == null)


                if (blockSnapshot != null) this.capturedBlockSnapshots.remove(blockSnapshot);

                return false;




iblockstate1 is null.

blockSnapshot is not null.\


it returns false.


The code that defines iblockstate1



IBlockState iblockstate1 = chunk.setBlockState(pos, newState);




as for capitalizing blocks.  Yes.  Just a typo on this end.  I didn't copy and paste.


Alright, after further debugging...  The client side seems to not update, so what I am seeing is not what the server is seeing.  The server apparently already placed the block.  It returns false if the block it is going to place down is the same block that is already there... or rather, null.


I suppose I'm stuck at trying to figure out why the client side is not updating.


Well, I changed a little bit of code, but nothing much.  Improved the way information is stored, and now it works.  Still am unsure as to why the blocks were respawning in the nether and I wish I knew why.


Thanks for the help

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