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[1.8] Problems with recursion and block finding?


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I'm trying to make use BlockEvent.BreakEvent to allow the player to chop down trees that are multiple blocks wide all at once, but all kinds of things are going wrong. It counts all blocks as wood, even if they're not, and it always thinks that positions have already been used. (so, basically, all the breaks are being tripped every time.) I honestly don't know why this is happening, can anyone enlighten me?



* I've tried using Block#isWood, it doesn't help.

* I've also tried comparing the individual co-ordinates in the BlockPoses instead of .equals'ing them, it doesn't help.



public void treecapitate(BlockEvent.BreakEvent event)
	if(event.state.getBlock().isWood(event.world, event.pos))
		chopTree(event.world, event.pos, new ArrayList<BlockPos>(128));

public void chopTree(World world, BlockPos pos, List<BlockPos> done)

	for(int i = 2; i <= 5; i++)
		BlockPos target = pos.offset(EnumFacing.getFront(i));

			System.out.println("Found wood!");
			boolean stop = false;

			for(BlockPos donepos : done)
					stop = true;
			if(stop = false)
				chopTree(world, target, done);
				System.out.println("Been there, done that!");
	while(world.getBlockState(pos.up()).getBlock().isWood(world, pos.up()))
		world.destroyBlock(pos.up(), true);
		pos = pos.up();

Console output when the player harvests the northwest corner of a 2x2 tree:

Note: The actual donepos should have been 2180/65/-1499.

BlockPos{x=2180, y=65, z=-1501}
Found wood!
BlockPos{x=2180, y=65, z=-1500}
Been there, done that!
BlockPos{x=2180, y=65, z=-1499}
Found wood!
BlockPos{x=2180, y=65, z=-1500}
Been there, done that!
BlockPos{x=2179, y=65, z=-1500}
Found wood!
BlockPos{x=2180, y=65, z=-1500}
Been there, done that!
BlockPos{x=2181, y=65, z=-1500}
Found wood!
BlockPos{x=2180, y=65, z=-1500}
Been there, done that!

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You are making the code way more convoluted than you need to: why use a List at all, when you are already iterating over positions? Make your iteration logic do the work.


Another thing - if you are going to use the position above the current one, use pos.up() once as an assignment, like so:

// or however you want to check if it's a log, perhaps there's a Forge method
while (world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() instanceof BlockLog) {
   // destroy the block
   world.destroyBlock(pos, true);

   // this is also where you should check the surrounding blocks
   // but those can also be long branches, so you should probably come up with a better system than this
   // which only goes up and possibly one block to each side (I'm not writing that, though)

   // finally move up one position
   pos = pos.up();


Also, check your code for errors - you surely meant to use == here:

if(stop = false)

And be careful using .equals - that's usually not what you want.

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