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I've been using MCP and I plan to upgrade to Forge, but a majority of my mod deals with modifying base code. From what I understand those are known as hooks in Forge.


Would I able to use hooks to do these:

Change shape and size of ravines

Change stack sizes of items

Make villagers chase cake

Change the size of the end and change its block gen

Mob Damage

Which potions the witches have

Mob spawn ratios

Amount of exp dropped on death(player)


Thank you very much! And...

Change stack sizes of items
Be more specific, what exactly do you mean? The maximum stack size?

Yeah, the max size.

Mob Damage
Again, be more specific. You want to change how much damage mobs deal? You can do that either using the attributes system (SharedMonsterAttributes.attackDamage) and using EntityJoinWorldEvent again or if you need more detailed control using LivingAttackEvent.

Ahh, and how would I modify the arrow damage of skeletons? It's usually a different thing you have to modify right?


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