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I was wondering if anyone had managed to setup a portable modding environment? The biggest problem seems to come from the gradle cache holding the Minecraft libraries.


The goal would be to have a single folder that could be carried around and used/deployed on any computer (assuming eclipse and a JDK are avaliable), even with no Internet connection.


I found this article on using Sonatype Nexus, but I couldn't get it to work.




That mostly works, but it seems that all the dependencies are not downloaded with --refresh-dependencies, because when I try to run the client (or setup the workspace on an offline computer), it complains about a missinf Forgegradle jar


well, it worked with an Internet connection (and with --offline on the computer where the files were downloaded), but it didn't work when the files were moved to a different computer with no Internet. would that mean the ForgeGradle file is not downloaded to the GRADLE_USER_HOME dir? (or maybe it uses an absolute path and therefore can't find it)


I'll post the full (with --debug) output when I get home, but the actual error message is as follows:

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'.
   >Could not download artifact 'net.minecraftforge.gradle:ForgeGradle:1.2-SNAPSHOT:ForgeGradle.jar': No cached version avaliable for offline mode

(there is a ForgeGradle-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar file in GRADLE_USER_HOME/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/net.minecraftforge.gradle/ForgeGradle/1.2-SNAPSHOT/[some hash]. maybe that's what its looking for?)

I also tried relative vs absolute parth for GRADLE_USER_HOME, it dosen't help.


I see... is there a non snapshot version that could be used?


I managed to get things to work without that ForgeGradle jar, but it requires manual editing of the .classpath file for the eclipse project, as well as setting eclipse run configurations to use the proper assetsdir, and mapping the lwjgl natives in the classpath, every time the computer is changed.

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