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How to spawn a block?


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to generate something in the world.


You can use


to get the y coordinate of the highest solid block (excluding leaves) at the specified x and z coordinates (which is usually the ground).

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I have attempted it a few times with no success.

I know the basic of how it works I am having problem in creating the CLASS

which the GameRegistry References in the Main class of the mod.


Of course i am using IWorldGeneration as extending.

But the code that i am writing inside is not correct doesn't matter how hard i think plus World getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock cannot be an int You'll understand if i post the code.

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GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new HarshNatureRegen()); I have error in this

I've written this in Normal initilization.


And this is the code of the Class itself.




Now I know there is a way of doing this in another way but I dont know if I should this is the other way using Case


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From the Start to the red brackets


The constructor WorldGenMinable(Block, int) is undefined


(new WorldGenMinable(HarshNatureBlocks.BerryBush, 5)).generate(world, random, blockX, blockY, blockZ);


for "Generate"

The method generate(World, Random, BlockPos) in the type WorldGenMinable is not applicable for the arguments (World, Random, int, int, int)


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From the Start to the red brackets


The constructor WorldGenMinable(Block, int) is undefined


(new WorldGenMinable(HarshNatureBlocks.BerryBush, 5)).generate(world, random, blockX, blockY, blockZ);


for "Generate"

The method generate(World, Random, BlockPos) in the type WorldGenMinable is not applicable for the arguments (World, Random, int, int, int)


You're using the 1.7.10 method signatures, but they were changed in 1.8. If you look at the


class, you'll see the new signatures for the constructor and the




In 1.8, most


and metadata method parameters were replaced with an


parameter and individual coordinate parameters were replaced with a



Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Got the regeneration to work,but one problem it seems I can't manage to make us so it will spawn above ground,Not at the sky...

On ground


is designed for replacing a terrain block (e.g. stone) with another block (e.g. ore), but your bushes are supposed to generate on top of the ground rather than in it or in the air. I'd recommend looking at


to see how it determines where the ground level is and then generates on top of it.

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only works with


. I meant for you to look at the class to see how it chooses the generation position rather than use the class itself.


In future, please give your Gist files the appropriate file extension (.java for Java code) so syntax highlighting works.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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We'll I've tried a few things...

1.Line 48 https://gist.github.com/anonymous/fdc3d4a47dd6535b2e69

In a world that I have already opened there are chunks not being loaded(a giant hole in earth)

When i open a new world i get his error




does not work at all,give me the error which the constructor is undefined.


Now the boolean of the generate in the WorldGenTallGrass uses the same of World random Blockpos.

But I've understood how it generates,its a boolean returning true or false..

It looks for the block pos if its not in air and does not have leaves it breaks the method.

I know how it generates but Still no clue what to pass in,What to write,I know this is not a tutorial of some sort but explain to me slowly what to do

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Then what should I do?.

My berry bush is a block,if WorldGenTallGrass wont generate it then what should I use...

I though of WorldGenFlowers but my block needs to be a flower type....


Use the same logic as


does for finding the ground level, then generate your block instead of tall grass.


is called from


, you can trace the call locations from there to see how the initial position is determined.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Everything went smootly except one thing



I dont know what to pass in the new WorldGenTallGrass()

Everything i try gives off an error,I went to the class WorldGenTallGrass


and it tells me to fill in BlockTallGrass.EnumType


Like I've tried to tell you several times: don't use the


class (because it can't be used to generate your block), adapt the logic from its


method into your own class.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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I understood what Im suppose to do but I dont know what to write..go step by step and let me understand whats going on

now dont give me the "Learn Java" shit,I dont know what you think but its not a day proccess.

And I started the other day and i'm not going to freeze my mod untill I know Java fully...

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Ey ey Fuck you too.

Do you think that I'll be lazy with a problem that I am stuck with 72 hours?...

Yes I did try looked every where can't find 1 block who uses the WorldGenTallGrass..

Even looked at fucking Tall Grass..




1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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