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In 1.7.1 we had this useful little class called ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler.


It implememted a useful little method called:

public boolean renderWorldBlock(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, Block block, int modelId, RenderBlocks renderer) {
    return false;


Since 1.8 Mojang obviously doesn't want us to use this anymore. And provides the .json files instead. But these are rather useless for complicated rendering tasks.

Is there a simple solution to render TileEntitys directly into the World Buffer using a similar solution in 1.8?

PM's regarding modding questions should belong in the Modder Support sub-forum and won't be answered.


I'm not sure if this applies, and I could just be talking nonsense, but have you heard of


? It applies to TileEntities and lets you custom render blocks through custom GL rendering code. Other than that, I suggest you use the .json. Mojang obviously seems intent upon switching to the .json system and might actually disable TileEntitySpecialRenderer in a later update. They're obviously trying to optimize it as best as possible, and while I agree that it's much easier to use TileEntitySpecialRenderer, it's better to switch now, instead of having to update everything later when you've already done all the GL stuff.

Who are you? Why have you brought me here? And why are there so many PewDiePie fanboys surrounding meeeeeeeee....... *falls into pit and dies*.


Also this. Check it out.

width=700 height=200http://i.imgur.com/J4rrGt6.png[/img]


I know that the TESR exists. The interface I was refering to is implemented by the TESR.

But the TESR however renders every display tick. So if I were to render a pipe it would be rendered every frame or about 60 times per second.

This is useful for animations but it causes lag.

The interface implemented a method where the vertices are only saved into the world buffer, which stores all static vertecy data of the world and is drawn at once. This is what makes minecraft itself so efficient and is a great method to draw stuff witout creating much lag. But sadly it has been removed.

The only way to add content to the world buffer I know of is with .json files and those are highly inefficient when it comes to stuff that has a variety of different states. Fire for example uses 92 .json files.

PM's regarding modding questions should belong in the Modder Support sub-forum and won't be answered.


I dont want to generate a model I just want to write vertices into the Tessellator while the world is being written into The tessellator.


Whit something similar to the 1.7 ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler Interface.

PM's regarding modding questions should belong in the Modder Support sub-forum and won't be answered.


Well then I can continue modding 1.8 with ease.

If such an option would be missing I probably would have gone back 1.7.10

Just one last question. Your answer didn't make it clear for me whether it is implemented by the TESR or not.

PM's regarding modding questions should belong in the Modder Support sub-forum and won't be answered.

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