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[1.7.10] Simple Check for Biome Generation?


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Hi there. Quick and probably simple question. I have a custom dimension, custom biomes, custom decorator all that good stuff. And it works fine. No issues. Only problem I am running into is that if you use the Biomes O Plenty World Type, or enter in to the Nether, my custom Biomes spawn.


I just want to know how I can go about stopping this from happening? I imagine it will be something related to making sure that you are in the custom dimension? Kinda like how twilight Forest does it. Those biomes ONLY spawn in the Twilight Forest dimension. Would this check go in the custom chunkProvider somewhere? Or in the Biome class files themselves? Or perhaps in the custom decorator itself?


I know it is probably a simple check that says don't do this if you are not in the Custom Dimension ID but I just need a shove on where it would go.


Thank You.

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I think I understand what you are saying Choonster. So in my situation. I have this being called in my main registry:




This is my ModBiomes class:



So you will note I have commented out:

        //BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(forestLight, Type.FOREST);

        //BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(forestDark, Type.SPOOKY);


and only left:




So in doing this I removed my two custom biomes forestLight and forestDark from the dictionary so they aren't going to be called anywhere. However since my custom dimension uses a custom decorator that specifically calls too these two individual Biome classes it will still have them generate in my custom dimension. But since they aren't registered it won't generate anywhere else in the game. Is that interpretation correct?


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I didn't say anything about


. You should still call


for your biomes.


does absolutely nothing except log a warning that it was called. This was changed in September 2013, so any tutorial that tells you to call it is very outdated.


Do you call


for your biomes? This is what allows biomes to spawn in the Overworld.


If you're not calling that anywhere, it could be that you're using duplicate biome IDs.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Yes the tutorial was an older one however, no BiomeManager.addBiome isn't called anywhere. That ModBiomes class that I showed you is the only place that those biomes are defined and registered. With regards to the conflicting IDs that was the first thing I checked out. The biome IDs do not conflict with any of my Biome IDs. That was actually the first thing I checked out.

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