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[1.8] [SOLVED] Modular Item Models


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Hi everyone!  I wanted to poke around and see if anyone knew where/how to handle Modular Item Models.  The item I'm considering is going to have 3 required parts and a 4th optional, preferably with 3D models for each individual part.  My problem is I have no idea where to start looking at 3D Item models (similar to grav-gun and portal-gun mods) and I wanted to know if anyone else knew where to begin and could point me in the right direction.


Many thanks beforehand!


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1. Make sure you have enough Java knowledge before starting (writing just in case). If not - start with something else.

2. Look at Minecraft's and Forge's Model system - understand fact that models are "baked" once and reused. In 1.8 there is almost no direct interaction with GL.

3. Lookup Forge's ISmartItemModel. BakedQuad is an element of "baked" model. You can return any number of BakedQuads in #getGeneralQuads().

You can bake them on your own in runtime (requires good knowledge about vertexes) or get them from other models that you can bake on mc's startup.

#handleItemState(ItemStack stack) allows you to, based on ItemStack, change your returned model.

4. Example:


5. Try it yourself, if you have enough skill - you should be able to do it from here.


Post any questions.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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