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[1.7.10] How to properly extend ItemBow?


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I noticed I have to implement getIcon and getIconForUseDuration and registerIcons, and also probably onItemRightClick if I want to change the damage my bow causes to entities. I read a (very old) tutorial about bows, but I was hoping someone could either link me to a more recent and clearer one, or give me a quick explanation of how this is done. I don't really like just copy-pasting stuff, I prefer to actually undestand what I'm doing, so, a link to a plain coded example, while appreciated, is not exactly what I'm looking for. thanks.

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You could just extend ItemBow and override what you need to make changes to. Extending it would only allow you to get away with not writing all of the methods because its already done for you.


You could also create a class extending item, override the methods onItemRightClick, getMaxItemUseDuration, onItemStoppedUsing, getEnumAction, etc. It shouldn't be hard at all, all the information is in the bow class itself ready to use. Also, one thing to note is that the bow's damage depends on the entity arrow being spawned. It is increased depending on the bow's use time (this is seen in the EntityArrow class).

Development of Plugins [2012 - 2014] Development of Mods [2012 - Current]

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I see, so if I just extend ItemBow all I have to override is what, onPlayerStoppedUsing, and change the code where it sets be arrow damage? what about the icons? this is the hardest part for me, I have a hard time understanding everything that's related to graphics or art in general.

WIP mods: easyautomation, easyenergy, easyelectronics, easymoney, easytrasportation, easysecurity, easymultiverse, easyfactions, easymagick, easyalchemy, easyseasons

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I imagine it would be something like this (a little code example).


public class ExampleBow extends ItemBow

public static final String[]	 ICONNAMES = new String[] {"modid:pulling_0", "modid:pulling_1", "modid:pulling_2"};

/** We call super to initialize the values in the parent constructor - if you don't you may modify these values **/
public ExampleBow()

/** We call the super method to execute it instead - if you want to spawn an arrow with more damage, ignore the super call and modify **/
public void onPlayerStoppedUsing(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, EntityPlayer playerIn, int timeLeft)
	super.onPlayerStoppedUsing(stack, worldIn, playerIn, timeLeft);


Development of Plugins [2012 - 2014] Development of Mods [2012 - Current]

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This is the line that interests me:


public static final String[]	 ICONNAMES = new String[] {"modid:pulling_0", "modid:pulling_1", "modid:pulling_2"};


I imagine I need to have (inside assets\textures\items\) textures with the names








, where


is the name of my Bow's class?

WIP mods: easyautomation, easyenergy, easyelectronics, easymoney, easytrasportation, easysecurity, easymultiverse, easyfactions, easymagick, easyalchemy, easyseasons

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