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As I have found from a couple of older threads and other sites, item rendering in 1.8 does not apply any transformation to items on the ground or in item frames. Therefore, the only way to make your model smaller is to scale it down in its default state.


I want to scale down an item when it is thrown. However, I would like it to remain the same size in the player's inventory and everywhere else, and I want to use an inbuilt model (i.e. generated from the texture of the item). I just want the same model smaller when it's dropped. What do I do?


I have a fix - may not be the best one, but its the only thing that I can think of - it may be involved. Each entity item is spawned for an itemstack - this means the itemstack's model is reflected by the entity item when the player throws / drag-drops an item into the world. With that logic in mind, you could return your regular sized model when the player is holding the item, and return your larger sized model when it is an entity item. Here is how you would do this:

1.) On the ItemTossEvent, set a simple NBT Boolean to the thrown itemstack (this tells you your item is an entity item)


2.) On the ItemPickupEvent, set the Boolean from above to false (this tells you your item is no longer an entity item)


3.) Implement ISmartItemModel. In the handlePerspective method, return the bigger model if the Boolean is true, and the regular sized model if the Boolean is false (entity item = true: large model | entity item = false : regular model)


4.) Register the ISmartItemModel type in the ModelBakeEvent and map it to your item's regular model. (ModelResourceLocation)


This will work if you know what your doing - its simple really. I actually did exactly this to change my model altogether. Anyway, hope that gives you an idea.


EDIT: Realized you also wanted to control the model when in an Item Frame - I believe this can be done in IPerspectiveAwareModel (TransformType.NONE). If that somehow isn't the case, you can always use the RenderEntityItemFrameEvent to set another itemstack Boolean and then check it in ISmartItemModel. (BTW sorry if some of the event names aren't correct, they should be very similar).

Development of Plugins [2012 - 2014] Development of Mods [2012 - Current]


This method doesn't solve all cases. EntityItem can be in world without it being tossed, it also is a waste of memory/bandwidth. (EDIT - To post below: I was talking about NBT itself - it is just pointless to use it if you don't have to).


Proper way of handling such stuff is to extend EntityItem with CustomEntityItem (you can also use it do anything else you want, not just rendering).


Subscribe to EntityJoinWorldEvent - check if event.entity instanceof EntityItem, if so - cancel normal spawning and spawn your own CustomEntityItem.

Note that while you can cancel joining on both sides (doesn't matter really), the spawning occurs only on server side.


Extend RenderEntityItem / RenderItem and edit it with what you require.


In ClientProxy#init() (NOT preInit), call:

RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(CustomEntityItem.class, new RenderCustomEntityItem());


As of now you can use custom rendering implementation to all items in world replaced by your CustomEntityItem. (You can/don't have to even use model system).

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.


Still pretty involved either way. Your method would be preferred IMO. Still, though, its hardly any waste of memory, especially if you check the instance of the item being tossed / picked up - if tossed / picked up item == your item. Anyway, the main reason why I would use Ernio's solution is because you would have full, direct access to the EntityItem itself and GL (rather than having to scale up an existing model and forming a larger one out of it). Anyways, hope the rendering goes well for you.

Development of Plugins [2012 - 2014] Development of Mods [2012 - Current]


Proper way of handling such stuff is to extend EntityItem with CustomEntityItem (you can also use it do anything else you want, not just rendering).


Subscribe to EntityJoinWorldEvent - check if event.entity instanceof EntityItem, if so - cancel normal spawning and spawn your own CustomEntityItem.

Note that while you can cancel joining on both sides (doesn't matter really), the spawning occurs only on server side.


Wouldn't it make more sense to override




to spawn a custom


class directly instead of using the event?

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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