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[1.8]Crafting recipe help?[SOLVED]


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Is it possible to add a shapeless recipe that requires multiple itemStacks in one slot to create?


Basically, put 64 gold nuggets in one slot and that 64 will create 1 gold ingot.  Is that possible?


I don't think is is possible due to the fact that I can not think of a mod that does this, all recipes that need more then 1 of a type of item always puts 1 item in a different slot. e.g. thermal fundations mods of making bronze needs 1 tin 3 copper however you need 3 of 1 copper to do this.


I hope I am wrong but as far I know there isn't a way.

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The vanilla crafting table only supports recipes that require a single item for each slot, you can't create a recipe that consumes multiple items from a single slot.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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You guys sure that IRecipe implementation won't allow that?

How about shapeless stuff?


(Last time I did recs was in like 1.3 lol)


You could probably make an


that only matched a stack of gold nuggets, but


specifically decrements the stack in each slot by 1.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Got it working.  I had actually forgotten I followed a tutorial showing me how to make requirements for crafting.  I can't remember who made the tutorial though:(  Sorry!



You could probably make an


that only matched a stack of gold nuggets, but


specifically decrements the stack in each slot by 1.


From within my class that implements IRecipe, i Override "GetRemainingItems" to remove the required amount from the slot, so in this case 64.


A little more complicated than that, but mostly just ifs.

public ItemStack[] getRemainingItems(InventoryCrafting inv) //getRecipeLeftovers

	EntityPlayer player = findPlayer(inv);
	CraftingRequirements crafting_requirements = CraftingRequirements.getObject(new MyItemStack(output));

	if(player != null && crafting_requirements != null){
		byte amountRequired = (byte) crafting_requirements.getAmountRequired();

		if(amountRequired > 1 && amountRequired <= 64){
			ItemStack[] ret = new ItemStack[inv.getSizeInventory()];
			for(int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++){
				ret[i] = inv.getStackInSlot(i);
				if(ret[i] != null){
					ret[i].stackSize -= amountRequired;
					if(ret[i].stackSize == 0){
						ret[i] = null;
			return ret;
	//Vanilla method for when it needs to be handled the Vanilla way!
	return ForgeHooks.defaultRecipeGetRemainingItems(inv);


I also had to override "matches" to check if the slot has the amount required to make the item.


Thanks everyone!

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