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Would it be at all possible for a hook to be added to Forge for the Beacon Block so as to add gem blocks that are added by mods would count as valid for the Beacon to give players around it the buffs that the B.B does with diamond, gold, emerald or iron blocks?


I ask as someone on the IndustrialCraft2 forums asked an addon developer by the name of GregoriusT if would be possible to be able to use his gem block (made in the IC2 Compressor through his addon GregTech). GregT replied that if there was a hook for this then he would. (Link to post: http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&postID=86037#post86037)


I would attempt to provide code, but I'm rather new to Minecraft modding and all I've actually done are small base file edits (yuck...) and am really only just starting to get into what I call "big time modding" with Forge.


Thanks in advance.


EDIT: For the sake of ease of reference, sciguyryan pointed out that there would have to be another hook, or be contained within the hook itself, a way that gems belonging to other mods could be used as payment for activating the Beacon.


EDIT2: sciguyryan actually PM'ed me a sample of the hook that would have to be added in the TileEntityBeacon.class under the method func_82131_u specifically:

if (var6 != Block.blockEmerald.blockID && var6 != Block.blockGold.blockID && var6 != Block.blockDiamond.blockID && var6 != Block.blockSteel.blockID)


Like I mentioned, I'm new to modding so I'll leave this one to the big dogs.  ;D


Along the same lines as this it would also probably be helpful to have a hook to add other gems as payment for activating the beacon (such as the rubies, sapphires, etc.).


That too. For some reason, I always end up forgetting about the fact that you have to 'pay' the beacon to activate it.


I think I'll add that to the OP just for ease of reference.


In case you didn't noticed it already, there is already a hook for adding blocks as a base for the beacon!

Look in the Block class for following method:

public boolean isBeaconBase(World worldObj, int x, int y, int z, int beaconX, int beaconY, int beaconZ)


As for the payment items, yeah that would be good to have. Maybe I'll make a PR when I'm done with my stuff.

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This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.


In case you didn't noticed it already, there is already a hook for adding blocks as a base for the beacon!

Look in the Block class for following method:

public boolean isBeaconBase(World worldObj, int x, int y, int z, int beaconX, int beaconY, int beaconZ)


As for the payment items, yeah that would be good to have. Maybe I'll make a PR when I'm done with my stuff.


Ah, I had no idea as my computer had screwed up on me and I managed to lose my copy of MCP and the Forge source in the process.


I really need to get that going again...


Sounds great. I'll go let the guys over on the IC2 forums know(if sciguyryan hasn't beaten me to the punch yet) but I have to ask, what is a PR?


EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out, 'Pull Request' over on the Forge GitHub (which I assume is where they're hosting the source)

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