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[1.7.10] Another setsize weird behavior question ...


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Hi guys,


I have a fish model that is scaled down to 0.10F in its render class as follow ... the scale end up fine.


    protected void preRenderCallback(EntityLivingBase par1EntityLivingBase, float par2)
        this.scaleFish((EntityClownFish)par1EntityLivingBase, par2);
    protected void scaleFish(EntityClownFish par1, float par2)
    	float scale = (float)par1.GetRenderValueFromSize();
        GL11.glScalef(scale, scale, scale);


BUT as soon as I am trying to set the collision box smaller than setsize(0.5F,0.5F), the fish is thrown to the ground and die after few seconds.


In the following picture, I set it to setsize(0.3F,0.3F) ... this is the result. But like I said, if I set it to 0.5F,0.5F it is fine ... but the box is too big. Am I missing something? Is it because I scaled down the model too much?









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It has nothing to do with your render scaling. There is no real interaction between bounding box and rendered model.


There may well be a limit on how small the bounding box can be. There certainly is limit to how big you can make it. The thing is that the bounding box is used for path-finding and to make the path-finding code efficient they can't allow too extreme of size and also don't rotate the bounding box and lastly make the X and Z to always be same.


So there is probably some pathfinding that is messing up and then moving the entity.


Anyway, you should test whether it is the height or the width of the bounding box that is causing the problem. Because in worst case you can at least make some of the dimensions match more closely.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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It has nothing to do with your render scaling. There is no real interaction between bounding box and rendered model.


There may well be a limit on how small the bounding box can be. There certainly is limit to how big you can make it. The thing is that the bounding box is used for path-finding and to make the path-finding code efficient they can't allow too extreme of size and also don't rotate the bounding box and lastly make the X and Z to always be same.


So there is probably some pathfinding that is messing up and then moving the entity.


Anyway, you should test whether it is the height or the width of the bounding box that is causing the problem. Because in worst case you can at least make some of the dimensions match more closely.


Actually the issue is at the height level. Width is fine in any sizes. Also, the model render is very jumpy (up and down) when I put the size smaller than 0.80.  At 0.80 everything is fine. At 0.79 ...I am starting to see many up/down shake and bubbles (the particle effect ... no clue why).


setSize drives me nuts. ;)

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