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[1.8] Need help getting the hang of jsons and the new metadata


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Hi, I need a little help for the changes I found in MC 1.8...I have three main questions:


1): About jsons. The model/item ones are pretty straightforward, but I'm a little confused about the other two.

In this doc ( http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/blockstates/forgeBlockstates/ ) the textures AND the models are applied in the /blockstates jsons.

Shouldn't the model be set inside model/block/ (as a "parent")?

Or is it that the default model and texture are set in the model/block one and can be overridden by the /blockstates json?

Are those jsons the new main way to have custom models without a Tile Entity?


2): About IProperty. I think I got how it works by reading this ( http://bedrockminer.jimdo.com/modding-tutorials/basic-modding-1-8/blockstates-and-metadata/ ).

The 1.8 way to use them for making the placed block face you is probably more clear than the 1.7.10 way.

The question is, how can I combine the blockstates json with them?

Am I right if I say that there is no practical difference between PropertyInteger and PropertyEnum?



3): I'd like to have a BasicBlock class and a BasicTEBlock class for plain and te generating blocks.

Is it possible to have both classes have the new metadata code inside them, and be able to choose to use them or not to with those blocks' subclasses?

I was also thinking about making BasicTEBlock a subclass of BasicBlock, and copy inside the former BlockContainer's body...

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Hi, I need a little help for the changes I found in MC 1.8...


You're not the only one. You can go a long way by reading past threads in this forum. I find that Google will turn up relevant threads more often than the site's own search. I recommend at least 16 hours of reading before posting new threads.


1): About jsons. The model/item ones are pretty straightforward, but I'm a little confused about the other two.

In this doc ( http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/blockstates/forgeBlockstates/ ) the textures AND the models are applied in the /blockstates jsons.

Shouldn't the model be set inside model/block/ (as a "parent")?

Or is it that the default model and texture are set in the model/block one and can be overridden by the /blockstates json?

Are those jsons the new main way to have custom models without a Tile Entity?


Someday the items might break jsons into itemstates and models the same way that blocks already have blockstates and models. For now though, blocks are organized differently.


The blockstates file tells which block model file to use for each combination of states. Therefore, a single block type can have several models (e.g. walls changing shape depending on attachments). Therefore, your question about whether something should be set inside model/block may be a nonsequitur.


The vanilla rules for blockstates required an exhaustive Cartesian product of all values of all states. Fortunately, Forge offers us mortals an advanced blockstates format. For cowards like me who simply put new skins on existing models, it is sometimes possible to put all of my mod info into my blockstates file and not even have model files (I can get away with referring to vanilla ones).

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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