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EntityCow disable all movement


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Hi there,


I am trying to create my own CowEntity and I want it to do nothing. The reason is, that I want to control it by remote. My Problem is, that the Cow is moving his Head and because of that it moves into the wrong direction. Is there a possibility, to deactivate all movement of an Entity? Like just freezing it.


My Class right now:

public class Animal extends EntityCow {

public Animal(World worldIn) {

protected boolean isAIEnabled() {
	return false;


I cleared the Tasklist, to not make it wander around and stuff like that and disabled the AI.

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The rotation is controlled the the EntityLookHelper associated with the EntityLiving. So you can @Override the getEntityLookHelper() method in your cow to return a custom class that extends EntityLookHelper. In that custom EntityLookHelper you would @Override the onUpdateLook() method to do nothing in the cases where you want the cow to be frozen, otherwise let it act normally.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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I have a SuperPig that has a lobotomy so it doesn't wander off and do unwanted things, no doubt for a similar reason to yourself.


To achieve this I kill the AI post creation with the following, I should really add it into the Entities constructor.


// kill the entities AI



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The rotation is controlled the the EntityLookHelper associated with the EntityLiving. So you can @Override the getEntityLookHelper() method in your cow to return a custom class that extends EntityLookHelper. In that custom EntityLookHelper you would @Override the onUpdateLook() method to do nothing in the cases where you want the cow to be frozen, otherwise let it act normally.


Thanks for your answere. I have followed the steps you did describe, but it seems like my customCow is still moving it's head from time to time. Thus it doesn't do what I want it to do..

It seems like the body and head aren't in sync, because sometimes the cow is moving into a direction, where it's head is not facing to.


My classes are:



public class Animal extends EntityCow {

public Animal(World worldIn) {

protected boolean isAIEnabled() {
	return false;

protected MyEntityLookHelper getEntityLookHelper() {
	return new MyEntityLookHelper(this);

protected MyEntityBodyHelper getEntityBodyHelper() {
	return new MyEntityBodyHelper(this);



public class MyEntityBodyHelper extends EntityBodyHelper {

public MyEntityBodyHelper(EntityLivingBase p_i1611_1_) {

public void updateRenderAngles() {




public class MyEntityLookHelper extends EntityLookHelper {

public MyEntityLookHelper(EntityLiving p_i1613_1_) {

public void onUpdateLook() {



It didn't worked with just the EntityLookHelper, so I created a EntityBodyHelper aswell, because I've read somewhere that it is associated with it too. Any advice?

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