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[1.7.10] Ender Hoppers Mod [Lightweight!]


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The lightweight Ender Hoppers Mod is designed to fix a small nuisance with vanilla hoppers: they can't transfer items to or from Ender chests! There are mods like Ender Storage which attempt to solve this problem, but in doing so, they also fail to work with normal Ender chests, and their chests are only private if you spend a diamond per chest! All for a simple fix.


The Ender Hoppers mod was made for 1.7.10 and designed to be lightweight, so you can use it alongside your favorite mods that have yet to update to 1.8 (or even just add it to a vanilla world to fix Mojang's design flaw :P ). It should work fine with tech mods, though there's currently no dust or liquid equivalents for the ore this generates.


Download link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11662651/Minecraft/Mods/EnderHoppers.zip


What Does Ender Hoppers Add to Minecraft?

With Ender Hoppers installed, you can now find Ender Iron Ore generating inside the main End Island. It generates unusually, in chunks rather than veins. Each chunk is a 4x4x4 cube which contains between 1 and 13 Ender Iron Ore blocks. 10 chunks will generate per world chunk, though some may overlap, so don't expect 130 ore per chunk! Also remember that this isn't 1.9--the End only has one island, so your supply of Ender Iron Ore is limited! Use it wisely :)


Smelting an Ender Iron Ore gives you an Ender Iron Ingot, as you might expect. You can craft 9 Ender Iron Ingots together to create an Ender Iron Block, which is a decorative blue block. Right-clicking a placed Ender Iron Block causes it to emit Ender particles, and right-clicking it again stops the particles; it's your choice if your blocks are sparkly or not :D (You can of course craft the Ender Iron Blocks back into ingots at any time, making them storage blocks as well.)


The main thing this mod adds, though, is the Ender Hopper. Crafted with the same recipe as a vanilla hopper, only using Ender Iron Ingots instead of normal iron ingots, a blue-green Ender Hopper remembers the player who placed it down as its "owner". In addition to working like a normal hopper in every way, it will also interact with its owner's Ender Chest inventory. So if there's an Ender Chest above an Ender Hopper you placed, it'll pull from your Ender Chest inventory, but no one else's; and if there's one at the output end, it'll push into your Ender Chest inventory. It won't interact with *anyone's* Ender Chest inventory except the player's who last placed it in the world.


(Side note: someone could, if they were malicious, put an Ender Chest above an Ender Hopper *you* placed and a regular chest under it to steal your items. So when placing an Ender Hopper, if you don't trust your friends, be sure to put it somewhere safe!)


Well, what are you waiting for? Isn't this what vanilla hoppers should always have been since Ender Chests were added? Download it! :D


Here, let me remind you of the link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11662651/Minecraft/Mods/EnderHoppers.zip

Whatever Minecraft needs, it is most likely not yet another tool tier.

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