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[1.8] Blockstate for object placed on any surface/side


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Have you tried looking at


? It uses its own enum to describe the possible facings and sets the facing from


when it's placed.

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You will need a way to rotate your block model.  Probably the easiest way is via the forge extensions to blockstate files.


However you do it, you'll then need to override your block's onBlockPlaced method and check the axis to return the appropriate block state.  It will need to have code that does something like this:


		switch (facing.getAxis()) {
		case X:
			return blockX.getStateFromMeta(meta);

		case Y:
			return blockY.getStateFromMeta(meta);

		case Z:
			return blockZ.getStateFromMeta(meta);

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Ya, but vanilla classes don't use the optimized JSON stuff that forge has set up right?


No, but you can use the vanilla lever's blockstates file as an example, just split the model and the rotation: define the model as either a default (single model) or based on the appropriate property (multiple models like the lever) and then define the rotation based on the



Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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