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[1.7.10] Custom log blocks have no texture?


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I need custom log blocks but it won't render the texture. The whole thing is just purple & black. There are no errors so it has to be recognising the files (and yes, the file locations are 100% correct), I just can't figure what's going wrong after it does.


This is my log class:

public class NewLog extends NewBlock
protected IIcon top;
protected IIcon side;

public NewLog(String name, Material material)
	super(name, material);
	this.setBlockTextureName(Worlds.MODID + ":" + name);
	this.setHarvestLevel("axe", 0);

public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister i)
	top = i.registerIcon(this.getTextureName() + "_top");
	side = i.registerIcon(this.getTextureName());

public int quantityDropped(Random r)
	return 1;

public Item getItemDropped(int i, Random r, int m)
	return Item.getItemFromBlock(this);

public void breakBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block b, int meta)
	byte b0 = 4;
	int i1 = b0 + 1;

	if (world.checkChunksExist(x - i1, y - i1, z - i1, x + i1, y + i1, z + i1))
		for (int j1 = -b0; j1 <= b0; ++j1)
			for (int k1 = -b0; k1 <= b0; ++k1)
				for (int l1 = -b0; l1 <= b0; ++l1)
					Block block = world.getBlock(x + j1, y + k1, z + l1);
					if (block.isLeaves(world, x + j1, y + k1, z + l1))
						block.beginLeavesDecay(world, x + j1, y + k1, z + l1);

public int onBlockPlaced(World w, int x, int y, int z, int s, float fx, float fy, float fz, int m)
	int j1 = m & 3;
	byte b0 = 0;

	switch (s)
		case 0:
		case 1:
			b0 = 0;
		case 2:
		case 3:
			b0 = 8;
		case 4:
		case 5:
			b0 = 4;

	return j1 | b0;

public int getRenderType()
	return 31;

protected IIcon getSideIcon(int i)
	return side;

protected IIcon getTopIcon(int i)
	return top;

public boolean canSustainLeaves(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
	return true;

public boolean isWood(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
	return true;

public int func_150162_k(int p_150162_1_)
	return p_150162_1_ & 3;

protected ItemStack createStackedBlock(int p_149644_1_)
	return new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(this), 1, this.func_150162_k(p_149644_1_));

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