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[1.8] Block giving item back to player, among other things


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Hello all, I have a barrel block that makes alcohol from some items, and I can't get it to work right. There are a few problems I've been having and I can't figure out what, but I have a feeling that I overlooked something important.




public class BlockBarrel extends Block {


private boolean hasYeast,hasFood,hasHops,isFull,hasWater = false;

private static Item food = null;

private Item[] foods = new Item[]{MoreStuffItems.grapes, Items.wheat, Items.apple, Items.potato};


public BlockBarrel() {


this.setHarvestLevel("axe", 0);



public static Item drink(){

if(food == MoreStuffItems.grapes){

return MoreStuffItems.wine_cup;

}else if(food == Items.apple){

return MoreStuffItems.cider_cup;

}else if(food == Items.potato){

return MoreStuffItems.vodka_cup;

}else if(food == Items.wheat){

return MoreStuffItems.beer_cup;


return null;




public boolean onBlockActivated(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumFacing side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)



        int currentHotbar = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){

        if(playerIn.getCurrentEquippedItem() == playerIn.inventory.getStackInSlot(i)){

        currentHotbar = i;




Item item = playerIn.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItem();

if(item == MoreStuffItems.yeast && !this.hasYeast){

this.hasYeast = true;


if(this.hasFood && this.hasHops && this.hasYeast && this.hasWater){

this.isFull = true;







return true;



if(item == MoreStuffItems.hops && !this.hasHops){




this.hasHops = true;


if(this.hasFood && this.hasHops && this.hasYeast && this.hasWater){

this.isFull = true;


return true;



if(Arrays.asList(foods).contains(item) && !this.hasFood){

this.food = item;






this.hasFood = true;


if(this.hasFood && this.hasHops && this.hasYeast && this.hasWater){

this.isFull = true;


return true;



if(item == Items.water_bucket && !this.hasWater){

if(playerIn.inventory.getFirstEmptyStack() != -1){


                        playerIn.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(playerIn.inventory.currentItem, new ItemStack(Items.bucket));



this.hasWater = true;


if(this.hasFood && this.hasHops && this.hasYeast && this.hasWater){

this.isFull = true;


return true;




if(playerIn.inventory.getFirstEmptyStack() != -1){


        int currentHotbar = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){

        if(playerIn.getCurrentEquippedItem() == playerIn.inventory.getStackInSlot(i)){

        currentHotbar = i;





Item item = playerIn.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItem();

if(item == MoreStuffItems.cup){

playerIn.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(this.drink()));


this.isFull = false;

this.hasFood = false;

this.hasHops = false;

this.hasYeast = false;

this.hasWater = false;

this.food = null;

return true;




        return super.onBlockActivated(worldIn, pos, state, playerIn, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ);






The problems:

When I click with the hops, yeast, cup, or water in my hand, it takes the item but right after, gives it back. (the booleans and everything work fine, and when I click with the cup and it's full it gives me the drink like normal)


When I click with the food it takes it, but then if you click again it gives it back and for some reason takes the drink.


Any help is appreciated, thanks! :D



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FYI, Blocks are singletons, so for YourBlocks.blockBarrel, there is only one instance of that class. This means any variables you try to store, such as 'this.hasWater', will fail utterly and miserably.


If you want to have dynamic information about a Block that is unique to that Block, you need a TileEntity*.


* Or use blockstates, i.e. metadata, which can store an integer from 0-15, which is enough to store 4 bit flags, but looks like you need at least 5.

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