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Hello guys,


I'am working on a Entity that goes to a position, but the


methode ( I've spawned the entity at 10,4,10 with followRange 20 ) doesnt work( it's executed ).

Sorry if there are mistakes in my english


We need more context:


1. Where do you call that code?


2. Does your entity have a movement speed attribute > 0 ?


3. How about #getBlockPathWeight - what does your entity return for that?


4. Are you calling super from all overridden update methods?


etc. etc.


We need to see your entire Entity class along with any custom AI you may have for it in order to determine what's wrong.


1. Where do you call that code?

1. In my EntityAISaveResources class, at startExecuting()

2. Does your entity have a movement speed attribute > 0 ?

2. Yes, 0.5D

3. How about #getBlockPathWeight - what does your entity return for that?

3. Does that methode exist?  ???

4. Are you calling super from all overridden update methods?

4. Yes



My Villager class

public abstract class Villager extends EntityCreature {

protected ItemStack[] inventory = new ItemStack[10];
private WorkingState state = WorkingState.Config;

public Villager(World worldIn,int GetResourcesMaximum) {
	this.state.setMaximums( GetResourcesMaximum );
        this.setSize(0.6F, 1.8F);
        this.tasks.addTask(0, new EntityAISwimming(this));
        this.tasks.addTask(1, new EntityAIOpenDoor(this, true));

@Override protected void applyEntityAttributes() {
	this.getEntityAttribute( SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth ).setBaseValue(12);
	this.getEntityAttribute( SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed ).setBaseValue(0.5D);
	this.getEntityAttribute( SharedMonsterAttributes.followRange ).setBaseValue(20D);

public ItemStack[] getVillagerInventory() {
	return inventory;

@Override public void onStruckByLightning(EntityLightningBolt lightningBolt)
        if (!this.worldObj.isRemote)
            EntityWitch entitywitch = new EntityWitch(this.worldObj);
            entitywitch.setLocationAndAngles(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, this.rotationYaw, this.rotationPitch);
            entitywitch.func_180482_a(this.worldObj.getDifficultyForLocation(new BlockPos(entitywitch)), (IEntityLivingData)null);

@Override public boolean getAlwaysRenderNameTag() {
	return true;

    @Override protected String getLivingSound()
        return "mob.villager.idle";

    @Override protected String getHurtSound()
        return "mob.villager.hit";

    @Override protected String getDeathSound()
        return "mob.villager.death";

    public void setReady() {
    	if( this.state == WorkingState.Config ) WorkingState.increment(state);

    public void increment() {

    public WorkingState getState(){
    	return state;

    public void setSave() {
    	this.state = WorkingState.SaveResources;

    @Override public float getAIMoveSpeed() { 
	return super.getAIMoveSpeed();


My Villager subclass( extends Villlager )

public class VillagerWorker extends Villager {

private ItemStack[] recipe = new ItemStack[9];
private BlockPos workbench;
private BlockPos[] input = new BlockPos[9];

private ItemStack itemoutput;
private BlockPos output;

public VillagerWorker(World worldIn) {
	super(worldIn, ;
	output = new BlockPos( 0, 0,0 );
        this.tasks.addTask(2, new EntityAISaveResources(this, output));


My EntityAISaveResources - class

public class EntityAISaveResources extends EntityAIBase {

private BlockPos pos;
private Villager villager;

public EntityAISaveResources(Villager villager, BlockPos pos) {
	this.villager = villager;
	this.pos = pos;

@Override public boolean shouldExecute() {
	return villager.getState() == WorkingState.SaveResources;

@Override public void startExecuting() {
	System.out.println( pos.up(5) );
	System.out.println( villager.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), 0.5D) );


WorkingState is just an Enum

public enum WorkingState {
int GetResourcesCounter,GetResourcesMaximum;

public void setMaximums( int GetResourcesMaximum ) {
	this.GetResourcesCounter = 0;
	this.GetResourcesMaximum = GetResourcesMaximum;

public static void increment( WorkingState state ){
	 if( state == GetResources ) {
		 if( state.GetResourcesCounter < state.GetResourcesMaximum ) {
		 else {
			 state.GetResourcesCounter = 0;
			 state = DoWork;
	 else if( state == SaveResources ) state = GetResources;
	 else if( state == DoWork ) state = SaveResources;
	 else if( state == Config ) state = GetResources;


Hope thats helpful

Sorry if there are mistakes in my english


It doesn't look like you ever add the EntityAISaveResources task to your villager's AI task list.


You may want to take a closer look at some of the vanilla AI - setting the BlockPos from the AI constructor doesn't make much sense, for example, unless you don't anticipate the location ever changing; but what if a player removes all those blocks? :P


It doesn't look like you ever add the EntityAISaveResources task to your villager's AI task list.

Look at this, I called it in my VillagerWorker - class, because that's the class I'm using

this.tasks.addTask(2, new EntityAISaveResources(this, output));


I know that it cannot work if someone destroys the blocks the entity has to go to. I looked into EntityAIMoveToBlock, but I hadn't understood what some methodes do, for exsample the abstract methode func_179488_a(). And it looks like the destanationBlock is get randomly, but my Entity must go to a fixed position, in my case and just for debugging 0,0,0.

Sorry if there are mistakes in my english

  • 2 weeks later...

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