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Item Work In Place Of Another? (in crafting)


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I believe you're looking for the OreDictionary, but I don't think Minecraft uses the OreDictionary for blaze rods. You're going to have to iterate through the recipes list and clone each recipe in it that contains the blaze rod and replace the blaze rod with your blaze rod. Not sure if you'll need to make your mod load last or just add the recipes post-initialization.


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This is what the Ore Dictionary is for, but Blaze Rods aren't registered with it by default. This means vanilla recipes and most mod recipes will just use


as an ingredient directly instead of using an ore name.


You should add vanilla Blaze Rods and your synthetic Blaze Rods to the Ore Dictionary with the same ore name (e.g.


, which is already used by various other mods and modpacks) and then use ore recipes (




) in your mod. Use this ore name as an ingredient instead of using an




I have a 1.7.10 class here that can replace any existing recipes that use the specified


as an input or output with ore recipes that use the specified ore name as an input and a specified replacement


as the output.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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