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[1.8.9] Setting the texture color data for an IFlexibleBakedModel?

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I was wondering if it is possible to set the texture data of an instance of IFlexibleBakedModel. I searched around the forums for a bit and it would seem like this is something that can be done. What I'm attempting to do is take the texture data from a model, convert it to a sepia version (which is a brownish filter, see bit.ly/1ZOLgSt) and change the hue of the sepia texture to a light cyan. Basically, make a block look like a light blue version of that block. Reading some other forums (like this one bit.ly/1ZazR2w, I've managed to change the color, but I cannot figure out what indices of the model's vertex data to change to the appropriate RGB value. My code for what I'm doing is below. The issue is within the 'alterColor' method. And for what it's worth, it seems to change every model into a bright red, texture-less cube. Any information about vertex data or my issue would be much appreciated. Thanks!


public class FrozenBlockModelBuilder implements ISmartBlockModel
public static final ModelResourceLocation modelResourceLocation = new ModelResourceLocation(Reference.MODID + ":frozenBlock");
private IBakedModel currentBlockModel;

public FrozenBlockModelBuilder(IBakedModel defaultModel)
	this.currentBlockModel = defaultModel;

public IBakedModel handleBlockState(IBlockState state)
	this.currentBlockModel = I9Utils.getBlockModel(FrozenBlockRegistry.getFrozenState(state));
	return this;

public TextureAtlasSprite getTexture()
	return this.currentBlockModel.getTexture();

public List getFaceQuads(EnumFacing face)
	List<BakedQuad> quads = Lists.<BakedQuad>newArrayList();
	List<BakedQuad> faceQuads = this.currentBlockModel.getFaceQuads(face);

	for(BakedQuad bq : faceQuads)
		quads.add(new BakedQuad(this.alterColor(bq.getVertexData()), 0, face));

	return quads;

public List getGeneralQuads()
	List<BakedQuad> quads = Lists.<BakedQuad>newArrayList();
	List<BakedQuad> generalQuads = this.currentBlockModel.getGeneralQuads();

	for(BakedQuad bq : generalQuads)
		quads.add(new BakedQuad(this.alterColor(bq.getVertexData()), 0, bq.getFace()));

	return quads;

private int[] alterColor(int[] vd)
	int[] vertexData = Arrays.copyOf(vd, vd.length);
	int[] vc = this.sepiaizeWithHue(vertexData[3], vertexData[4], vertexData[5]);
	int[] vc2 = this.sepiaizeWithHue(vertexData[10], vertexData[11], vertexData[12]);
	int[] vc3 = this.sepiaizeWithHue(vertexData[17], vertexData[18], vertexData[19]);
	int[] vc4 = this.sepiaizeWithHue(vertexData[24], vertexData[25], vertexData[26]);

	vertexData[3] = vc[0];
	vertexData[4] = vc[1];
	vertexData[5] = vc[2];
	vertexData[10] = vc2[0];
	vertexData[11] = vc2[1];
	vertexData[12] = vc2[2];
	vertexData[17] = vc3[0];
	vertexData[18] = vc3[1];
	vertexData[19] = vc3[2];
	vertexData[24] = vc4[0];
	vertexData[25] = vc4[1];
	vertexData[26] = vc4[2];
	/* ---------------------------------- */

	return vertexData;

private int[] sepiaizeWithHue(int red, int green, int blue)
	int tr = (int)((0.393D * red) + (0.769D * green) + (0.189D * blue));
	int tg = (int)((0.349D * red) + (0.686D * green) + (0.168D * blue));
	int tb = (int)((0.272D * red) + (0.534D * green) + (0.131D * blue));
	float[] hsv = Color.RGBtoHSB(Math.min(tr, 255), Math.min(tg, 255), Math.min(tb, 255), null);
	int color = Color.getHSBColor(180, 20, hsv[2]).getRGB();
	int nR = (color >> 16) & 0xFF;
	int nG = (color >>  & 0xFF;
	int nB = (color) & 0xFF;
	return new int[] { nR, nG, nB };

public boolean isAmbientOcclusion()
	return this.currentBlockModel.isAmbientOcclusion();

public boolean isGui3d()
	return this.currentBlockModel.isGui3d();

public boolean isBuiltInRenderer()
	return this.currentBlockModel.isBuiltInRenderer();

public ItemCameraTransforms getItemCameraTransforms()
	return this.currentBlockModel.getItemCameraTransforms();




It would seem like I am too use to shaders in WebGL. I had assumed that each vertex on a side had an associated RGB int array, but apparently that is not the case. I dug deeper into Forge's code and I looks like I was completely wrong. Each vertex does not have an RGB array, but rather, each side has an RGB int shader. I was updating indicies that I thought were colors but were actually uv and vertex points, which explains why the model always rendered as a solid red cube. The correct shader code is below, with vd being the original vertex data array.


	private int[] alterColor(int[] vd)
	int[] vertexData = Arrays.copyOf(vd, vd.length);
	vertexData[3] = this.sepiaizeWithHue(vd[3]);
	vertexData[10] = this.sepiaizeWithHue(vd[10]);
	vertexData[17] = this.sepiaizeWithHue(vd[17]);
	vertexData[24] = this.sepiaizeWithHue(vd[24]);
	return vertexData;




This is half-way to what I aim to accomplish. At the moment, the generated color is overlayed on top of the existing color. Does anyone know a way to completely remove the original color of the texture so that only my sepia version remains?

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