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Binary configuration data


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I have a mod that allows the user to specify images that will be loaded dynamically by the mod and used as textures.


Currently I'm allowing them to put those textures anywhere within the minecraft folder tree and just reference them from the config file.  e.g. "Image1 = "config/modName/image1.png" .  Then when a mod pack author uses my mod they just get their installer to copy the image files to whatever folder they choose and also include the correct paths in the config file.


But it doesn't feel right to put them into the config folder.  Then again it doesn't seem right to create a new folder in the minecraft root directory just for this mod.  Is there a more 'standard' place to put binary data like this?


Just in case it wasn't clear, the images are supplied by the mod pack author, so I cannot include them in the mod as a java resource.

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Where to hold mod-specific data is up to you to decide, but indeed - textures should be in ResourcePack.


I don't know if it will seem more "proper" to you but it is entirely possible to have load multiple texturepacks at once, meaning: There is e.g global texturepack used by MC and there is additional one for your usage.


You could simply create MyModSpecialTextures.zip in resourcepacks location and load it as additional resource. All contents of this zip will be treated like normal resource thus - you can use ResourceLocation in your code.


To do that: (speaking code-wise only):

Call this in init/postInit:

List<IResourcePack> defaultResourcePacks = ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(Minecraft.class, Minecraft.getMinecraft(), "defaultResourcePacks", "field_110449_ao");
defaultResourcePacks.add(new SpecialResourcePack(new File("C:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\MyModSpecialTextures.zip")));
Minecraft.getMinecraft().refreshResources(); // Needs to be called.

Implementation (you don't have to do that):

public class SpecialResourcePack extends FileResourcePack
public SpecialResourcePack(File file)

public String getPackName()
	return this.resourcePackFile.getName().replace(".zip", "");


Do note that you can also make your own IResourcePack and load files directly from file structure or any URL really.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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As of 1.8 reflection is the only name. (Idk maybe changed in 1.8.*+).


The name stays the same forever (unless MC Devs, will move field elsewhere). Those are SRGs, You can find them somewhere in workspace (google it).

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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