Wiggles Posted January 8, 2016 Share Posted January 8, 2016 Hello. I am trying to create visual block placement guides for building and schematics. I'm not entirely sure how i should be rendering something like this, I'm wondering if I'm on the right track or if i should be trying an entirely different approach. Currently I've been trying to utilize the RenderBlock.renderBlockByRenderType(); method. The problem with that however is that I can't figure out how to render the blocks with metadata for that method. Here are some examples of what I've got working so far. The top is a debug of the target block being rendered as desired, through alpha blending etc. On the bottom being highlighted is where the blocks would render when finished for a placement guide. Right now I've been using an event for the rendering, here is the full test code I would be passing a coordinate, and block information through this. @SubscribeEvent public void Block_Render(RenderWorldLastEvent evt){ Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); MovingObjectPosition mouseOver = Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver; int mx = mouseOver.blockX; int my = mouseOver.blockY; int mz = mouseOver.blockZ; int hit; hit = mouseOver.sideHit; ForgeDirection direction = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(hit); World world = mc.thePlayer.worldObj; EntityPlayer player = mc.thePlayer; EntityClientPlayerMP p= mc.thePlayer; ChunkCoordinates coord; coord = player.getPlayerCoordinates(); int px = (int) coord.posX; int py = (int) player.posY-1; int pz = (int) coord.posZ; double dx = p.lastTickPosX + (p.posX - p.lastTickPosX) * evt.partialTicks; double dy = p.lastTickPosY + (p.posY - p.lastTickPosY) * evt.partialTicks; dy = dy -1; double dz = p.lastTickPosZ + (p.posZ - p.lastTickPosZ) * evt.partialTicks; int tx = mx - px; int ty = my - py; int tz = mz - pz; Coordinate translate; translate= new Coordinate(tx, ty, tz).add(direction); Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z); Material matt; matt = block.getMaterial(); ItemStack stack; stack = player.getHeldItem(); Item held = null; if(stack != null) held = stack.getItem(); if (block == Blocks.air || matt == Material.fire || matt == Material.water || matt == Material.lava || matt == Material.plants || matt == Material.vine || block == Blocks.snow_layer) { translate= new Coordinate(tx, ty, tz); } else translate= new Coordinate(tx, ty, tz).add(direction); tx = translate.getX(); ty =translate.getY(); tz =translate.getZ(); double fx = px - dx; double fy = py - dy; double fz = pz - dz; //Block block3 = Common_Registry.Floater; // Block block4 = Common_Registry.Balloon; Block block2 = world.getBlock(20, 20, 20); GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE); Tessellator t = Tessellator.instance; RenderBlocks renderBlocks = new RenderBlocks(); renderBlocks.blockAccess = world; renderBlocks.setRenderBounds(0D, 0D, 0D, 1D, 1D, 1D); t.startDrawingQuads(); t.setBrightness(15 << 20 | 15 << 4); try{ if(block != Blocks.air){ renderBlocks.renderBlockByRenderType(block2, 0, -11, 0); } GL11.glTranslated( 0F, 10f, 0F); GL11.glTranslated( tx, ty, tz); GL11.glTranslated( fx, fy, fz); } catch(NullPointerException exception){ System.out.println(exception); } t.draw(); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } Here I believe the vanilla method passes to another method and looks for a real block in the world to extract the metadata and thereon lies the problem with that. public boolean renderBlockLog(Block p_147742_1_, int p_147742_2_, int p_147742_3_, int p_147742_4_) { int l = this.blockAccess.getBlockMetadata(p_147742_2_, p_147742_3_, p_147742_4_); int i1 = l & 12; if (i1 == 4) { this.uvRotateEast = 1; this.uvRotateWest = 1; this.uvRotateTop = 1; this.uvRotateBottom = 1; } else if (i1 == { this.uvRotateSouth = 1; this.uvRotateNorth = 1; } boolean flag = this.renderStandardBlock(p_147742_1_, p_147742_2_, p_147742_3_, p_147742_4_); this.uvRotateSouth = 0; this.uvRotateEast = 0; this.uvRotateWest = 0; this.uvRotateNorth = 0; this.uvRotateTop = 0; this.uvRotateBottom = 0; return flag; } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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