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[1.8.9] How to get TextureAtlasSprite / ResourceLocation from an ItemStack?


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Hi, I'm working on updating my my mod, Everything Blocks (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/everything-blocks), from 1.7.10 to 1.8.9. One feature of the mod is that it takes the average color of an ItemStack's icon and tints the block to match. In 1.7, I could get the file names of these textures with registerIcons() and then load them into an image buffer and average the pixels. However, in 1.8, there is no such functionality. I've looked into the ItemModelGenerator class, and I see how vanilla accesses texture pixels to make a 3D model. However, I do not have access to any instance of ModelBlock to help me. Any ideas?


EDIT: Solved thanks to diesieben07!

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Just some thoughts on what I've seen in the rendering safari: pre blend the textures as custom TextureAtlasSprites during texture stitch eveny, keep track of their string keys. Then use those keys during model bake event to bake the textures into the appropriate models... How many models are you looking at?

I think its my java of the variables.

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I don't know why I'd need to bake, since I'm not rendering a texture on the block, just tinting it (I already have this part working). I just need to be able to access either the ItemStack's texture filepath or its corresponding TextureAtlasSprite. (btw, every non-block item, modded or vanilla is supported to be craftable to the block). Basically, I just need to get the average color of an item's icon dynamically.

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Ahh that makes sense... It's going to be an excavation since AFAIK Items only have correlation to ModelResourceLocations which contain the texture references. It's worsened by the fact that every Item can have multiple TextureAtlasSprites associated with it in a single ModelResourceLocation for any given metadata/nbt. You could run through the texture map during TextureStitchEvent.Post and average out the loaded sprites there, but you'll probably have to parse through the loaded models to access their corresponding items... Most likely the end result would be a <ModelResourceLocation, IntColor> map that you feed the itemstack's cooresponding model through.

I think its my java of the variables.

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I've tried that, IBakedModel is useless, since for normal items, getItemModel(<itemStack>) will return an instance of the built-in model, which implements IBakedModel. The built-in model returns null for pretty much all of the IBakedModel methods, and even if it didn't, IBakedModel does not reference any useful textures.

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