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[1.8.9] [Solved] Correct way to store non-item/non-entity data?


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I am currently writing my first mod, and having a blast doing so, but I have a question I am hoping one of you kind folk might be able to help me out with.


I am quite familiar with NBT and saving data against items, but I am reaching a point where I need to start saving data about the world itself, not relating to any given item or entity.


Now I could obviously just use standard I/O libraries to serialize the data to disk (and read on load), but I am assuming there are cleaner more standard ways to handle data within the Minecraft/Forge framework.


As an example of the type of data I would like to store:


  • I generate dungeons, and would like to maintain a list of known dungeon coordinates so that I can tightly control the distribution and progression of the dungeons.
  • I also plan to introduce boss monsters, and would like to store a "last killed" time to prevent over farming.
  • I would also like to introduce various world "achievements" where if anyone on a server completes a certain task, it unlocks new adventures for everyone on the server. So I need to store which tasks have been completed.


Hope this makes sense. I don't need specifics on how to pull of each of the listed items, just a general guideline on how best to store world-level data.

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