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I know this has probably been answered somewhere else, but I have done hours of research and cannot find a working solution. Here is the problem:


I made a custom bow, and a custom arrow, however the custom arrow is using the original arrow texture right now. But the problem is that when I shoot the arrow, I know it really shoots because it hurts mobs and I can pick it up, but it is invisible.



I messed around some. Now I have:


In my Entities in my main class file I have:

EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(EntityPebble.class, "Pebble", EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId());
EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityPebble.class, "Pebble", 1, this, 128, 1, false);



In my rendering registry I put

RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityPebble.class, new RenderLiving(new ModelPebble(), 0F));


Which yields an

ebt.common.EntityPebble cannot be cast to net.minecraft.src.EntityLiving




When I change

RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityPebble.class, new RenderLiving(new ModelPebble(), 0F));



RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityPebble.class, new ebt.client.render.RenderPebble());


I get a arrow like texture, but it says "missing".


To clarify I do NOT want a folded texture, I want a cube like texture, and that is what the ModelPebble file is set to be.


Thanks in advance, all help is appreciated.


I have it set to shoot a custom arrow and entity, but using the default arrow's texture. Could it be because two things are using the default texture? I don't exactly understand your question.




package ebt.client.render;

import net.minecraft.src.Entity;
import net.minecraft.src.ModelBase;
import net.minecraft.src.Render;
import net.minecraft.src.Tessellator;

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL12;

import ebt.common.EntityPebble;
import ebt.common.ModelPebble;

public class RenderPebble extends Render
protected ModelBase ModelPShot;

public RenderPebble()
        this.shadowSize = 0.1F;
        this.ModelPShot = new ModelPebble();

    public void renderPShot(EntityPebble var1, double var2, double var4, double var6, float var8, float var9)
        if (var1.prevRotationYaw != 0.0F || var1.prevRotationPitch != 0.0F)
        	//this.modelPShot.render(var1, 0F, 0F, 0F, 11, 2, 2);
            GL11.glTranslatef((float)var2, (float)var4, (float)var6);
            GL11.glRotatef(var1.prevRotationYaw + (var1.rotationYaw - var1.prevRotationYaw) * var9 - 90.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);
            GL11.glRotatef(var1.prevRotationPitch + (var1.rotationPitch - var1.prevRotationPitch) * var9, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F);
            Tessellator var10 = Tessellator.instance;
            byte var11 = 0;
            float var12 = 0.0F;
            float var13 = 0.5F;
            float var14 = (float)(0 + var11 * 10) / 32.0F;
            float var15 = (float)(5 + var11 * 10) / 32.0F;
            float var16 = 0.0F;
            float var17 = 0.15625F;
            float var18 = (float)(5 + var11 * 10) / 32.0F;
            float var19 = (float)(10 + var11 * 10) / 32.0F;
            float var20 = 0.05625F;

            GL11.glRotatef(45.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
            GL11.glScalef(var20, var20, var20);
            GL11.glTranslatef(-4.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
            GL11.glNormal3f(var20, 0.0F, 0.0F);
            var10.addVertexWithUV(-7.0D, -2.0D, -2.0D, (double)var16, (double)var18);
            var10.addVertexWithUV(-7.0D, -2.0D, 2.0D, (double)var17, (double)var18);
            var10.addVertexWithUV(-7.0D, 2.0D, 2.0D, (double)var17, (double)var19);
            var10.addVertexWithUV(-7.0D, 2.0D, -2.0D, (double)var16, (double)var19);
            GL11.glNormal3f(-var20, 0.0F, 0.0F);
            var10.addVertexWithUV(-7.0D, 2.0D, -2.0D, (double)var16, (double)var18);
            var10.addVertexWithUV(-7.0D, 2.0D, 2.0D, (double)var17, (double)var18);
            var10.addVertexWithUV(-7.0D, -2.0D, 2.0D, (double)var17, (double)var19);
            var10.addVertexWithUV(-7.0D, -2.0D, -2.0D, (double)var16, (double)var19);

            for (int var23 = 0; var23 < 4; ++var23)
                GL11.glRotatef(90.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
                GL11.glNormal3f(0.0F, 0.0F, var20);
                var10.addVertexWithUV(-8.0D, -2.0D, 0.0D, (double)var12, (double)var14);
                var10.addVertexWithUV(8.0D, -2.0D, 0.0D, (double)var13, (double)var14);
                var10.addVertexWithUV(8.0D, 2.0D, 0.0D, (double)var13, (double)var15);
                var10.addVertexWithUV(-8.0D, 2.0D, 0.0D, (double)var12, (double)var15);

    public void doRender(Entity var1, double var2, double var4, double var6, float var8, float var9)
        this.renderPShot((EntityPebble)var1, var2, var4, var6, var8, var9);


I added this line of code in my clientproxy:

RenderingRegistry.instance().registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityPebble.class, new RenderPebble());


This line of code in my main mod file:

EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityPebble.class, "Pebble", 1, this, 250, 5, false);


Now the end of my main mod file looks like this:

EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(EntityPebble.class, "Pebble", EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId());
EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityPebble.class, "Pebble", 1, this, 250, 5, false);		
//Rendering Registry//
RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityPebble.class, new ebt.client.render.RenderPebble());


I notice it isn't calling to my ModelPebble file, where is it supposed to do this?

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