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[1.8.9] Language translation aliases


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Hello everyone!


I am trying to add a localization to entity.MinecartChest.name.

I know that inserting "entity.MinecartChest.name=Minecart with Chest" into my language file will add a translation.

However, I do not want to do this for every single language file, since there is already a translation key which will lead to the correct translation: item.minecartChest.name.

So my question is: is there a way to tell Minecraft that whenever it wants to translate the key "entity.MinecartChest.name", it should translate it to the same translation as "item.minecartChest.name"? Something similar to LanguageRegistry.instance().addTranslationAlias("entity.MinecartChest.name", "item.minecartChest.name"), perhaps?


If you know there isn't a way to do this, I'm happy to accept that answer. Thanks in advance for help :)

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Yay, Pokémon exception handling, gotta catch 'em all (and then do nothing with 'em).

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Well, for example, someone makes a resource pack that adds a new language, and they define a translation for item.minecartChest.name. They probably won't be defining a translation for entity.MinecartChest.name, so if I could set an alias, the translation wouldn't just map to whatever's in en_US.

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Yay, Pokémon exception handling, gotta catch 'em all (and then do nothing with 'em).

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Well, this seems to work:



public class TranslationAliasRegistry {

private TranslationAliasRegistry() {

private static final Map<String, String> aliases = Maps.newHashMap();

public static void registerToResourceManager() {
	((IReloadableResourceManager) Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager())
			.registerReloadListener(new ResourceManagerReloadListener());

public static void registerAlias(String key1, String key2) {
	aliases.put(key1, key2);

private static class ResourceManagerReloadListener implements IResourceManagerReloadListener {

	public void onResourceManagerReload(IResourceManager resourceManager) {
		HashMap<String, String> translations = Maps.newHashMap();
		for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : aliases.entrySet()) {
			translations.put(entry.getKey(), StatCollector.translateToLocal(entry.getValue()));
		LanguageRegistry.instance().injectLanguage(FMLCommonHandler.instance().getCurrentLanguage(), translations);



And then in my preinit method in the main mod class:

TranslationAliasRegistry.registerAlias("entity.MinecartChest.name", "item.minecartChest.name");




In my opinion this feature should be in Forge. You can do a lot of useful stuff with this, not just aliases.


Edit: oops! That didn't work! This does, though:

public class SmartTranslationRegistry {

private static final Map<String, String> translationMap = ReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(StringTranslate.class,
		ReflectionHelper.<StringTranslate, StringTranslate> getPrivateValue(StringTranslate.class, null,
				"field_74817_a", "instance"),
		"field_74816_c", "languageList");
private static final Map<String, String> i18nProps = ReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(Locale.class,
		ReflectionHelper.<Locale, I18n> getPrivateValue(I18n.class, null, "field_135054_a", "i18nLocale"),
		"field_135032_a", "properties");
public static final Map<String, String> translations = Collections.unmodifiableMap(translationMap);

private SmartTranslationRegistry() {

private static final Map<String, ISmartTranslation> smartTranslations = Maps.newHashMap();

static {
	((IReloadableResourceManager) Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager())
			.registerReloadListener(new ResourceManagerReloadListener());

public static void registerTranslation(String key, ISmartTranslation translation) {
	smartTranslations.put(key, translation);

public static void registerAlias(String key1, String key2) {
	registerTranslation(key1, new AliasTranslation(key2));

private static class AliasTranslation implements ISmartTranslation {
	private String otherKey;

	public AliasTranslation(String keyToTranslateTo) {
		this.otherKey = keyToTranslateTo;

	public String translateToLocal(String language, Map<String, String> translations) {
		return translations.get(otherKey);

private static class ResourceManagerReloadListener implements IResourceManagerReloadListener {

	public void onResourceManagerReload(IResourceManager resourceManager) {
		EasyEditorsApi.logger.info("Reloading resource manager");
		String lang = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getCurrentLanguage();
		for (Map.Entry<String, ISmartTranslation> entry : smartTranslations.entrySet()) {
			String translation = entry.getValue().translateToLocal(lang, translations);
			translationMap.put(entry.getKey(), translation);
			i18nProps.put(entry.getKey(), translation);



And then in the preinit method of the main mod class:

SmartTranslationRegistry.registerAlias("entity.MinecartChest.name", "item.minecartChest.name");

catch(Exception e)




Yay, Pokémon exception handling, gotta catch 'em all (and then do nothing with 'em).

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