guenthi57 Posted February 18, 2016 Posted February 18, 2016 Hey I'm currently working on my first mod, which is based on 1.8. Until this point I was able to figure out everything by reading tutorials or the vanilla code, but now I am stuck and I just can't figure out what to do... I want to create a container (an olive press) to which you can add olives by right-clicking on it. So I followed Tutorials and created a custom TileEntityPress, with read and write (I also copied some code from TileEntityNote as it seemed to be similar to what I need). I also added a function which should add a given amount of olives to the olives stored. When I call this function in onActivatedBlock, it adds the given Olives (tested with system.out) but as soon as I click on the block again, it starts at 0 Olives. So the message is always: "New olive count: 1" Here are my files, I hope someone can help TileEntityPress: package bgag.guenthi57.bgag.tile; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import; public class TileEntityPress extends TileEntity{ public int olives; public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { super.writeToNBT(compound); compound.setInteger("olives", this.olives); } public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { super.readFromNBT(compound); this.olives = compound.getInteger("olives"); } public void changeOlivesCount(int count, World world, Block block) { this.olives = this.olives + count; this.markDirty(); } } BlockOlivePress (don't be confused by the long code, there are some other functions which all work correctly): package bgag.guenthi57.bgag.blocks; import bgag.guenthi57.bgag.init.BundiGunthiBlocks; import bgag.guenthi57.bgag.init.BundiGunthiItems; import bgag.guenthi57.bgag.tile.TileEntityPress; import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import; import; import net.minecraft.block.state.BlockState; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityNote; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import; public class BlockOlivePress extends BlockContainer { public static final PropertyInteger PRESS = PropertyInteger.create("press", 0, 3); public BlockOlivePress(Material materialIn) { super(materialIn); this.setHardness(0.8F); this.setDefaultState(this.blockState.getBaseState().withProperty(PRESS, Integer.valueOf(0))); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override public IBlockState onBlockPlaced(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int meta, EntityLivingBase placer) { return this.getDefaultState().withProperty(PRESS, Integer.valueOf(0)); } protected BlockState createBlockState() { return new BlockState(this, new IProperty[] {PRESS}); } public void onBlockAdded(World world,BlockPos pos,IBlockState state) { if (world.getBlockState(pos.up()).getBlock() == Blocks.air) { world.setBlockState(pos.up(), BundiGunthiBlocks.olive_press_top.getDefaultState()); } else if (!(world.getBlockState(pos.up()).getBlock() == Blocks.air || world.getBlockState(pos.up()).getBlock() == BundiGunthiBlocks.olive_press_top)){ world.destroyBlock(pos, true); } } public void onBlockDestroyedByPlayer(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { if (world.getBlockState(pos.up()).getBlock() == BundiGunthiBlocks.olive_press_top) { world.destroyBlock(pos.up(), false); } } public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer player, EnumFacing side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) { if (player.getHeldItem().getItem() == BundiGunthiItems.olives) { TileEntity tileentity = world.getTileEntity(pos); if (tileentity instanceof TileEntityPress) { TileEntityPress tileentitypress = (TileEntityPress)tileentity; int old = tileentitypress.olives; if (player.isSneaking()) { tileentitypress.changeOlivesCount(player.getHeldItem().stackSize, world, state.getBlock()); } else { tileentitypress.changeOlivesCount(1, world, state.getBlock()); } System.out.println("New olive count: " + tileentitypress.olives); } } if (((Integer)state.getValue(PRESS)).intValue() >= 3) { world.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(PRESS, Integer.valueOf(0))); } else { world.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(PRESS, Integer.valueOf(((Integer)state.getValue(PRESS)).intValue()) + 1)); } return super.onBlockActivated(world, pos, state, player, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ); } public IBlockState getStateFromMeta(int meta) { return this.getDefaultState().withProperty(PRESS, Integer.valueOf((meta))); } public int getMetaFromState(IBlockState state) { int i = ((Integer)state.getValue(PRESS)).intValue(); return i; } public boolean isFullCube() { return false; } public boolean isOpaqueCube() { return false; } public int getRenderType() { return 3; } @Override public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World worldIn, int meta) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return new TileEntityPress(); } } I also registered the TileEntity as: GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityPress.class, "olive_press_bottom"); Thanks to everyone who tries to help guenthi57 Quote
Failender Posted February 18, 2016 Posted February 18, 2016 if (((Integer)state.getValue(PRESS)).intValue() >= 3) { world.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(PRESS, Integer.valueOf(0))); } else { world.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(PRESS, Integer.valueOf(((Integer)state.getValue(PRESS)).intValue()) + 1)); } what exactly are you triing in your onBlockActivatedMethod with that Quote
guenthi57 Posted February 18, 2016 Author Posted February 18, 2016 if (((Integer)state.getValue(PRESS)).intValue() >= 3) { world.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(PRESS, Integer.valueOf(0))); } else { world.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(PRESS, Integer.valueOf(((Integer)state.getValue(PRESS)).intValue()) + 1)); } what exactly are you triing in your onBlockActivatedMethod with that I am changing the block state for PRESS, which basically just changes the block model used right now. (You click on the block to actually press the olives in it, so the model of the block changes with every click, which generates an animation). But this should not interfere with the problem I described, as it is another functionality (that works perfectly )... Quote
Failender Posted February 18, 2016 Posted February 18, 2016 well. setting a new block also creates a new tileentity unless you tell it to not do so.. i guess tahts your problem. You are incrementing the olive count. playing your animation. that creates a new tileentity and heyo you got a count of 0 Quote
guenthi57 Posted February 18, 2016 Author Posted February 18, 2016 Thank you very much sir I just checked it without that method before reading your second comment to be save and wow It works Do you know how I can change the block state without creating a new tile entity? Quote
Failender Posted February 18, 2016 Posted February 18, 2016 Look how BlockFurnace keeps his tileEntity Quote
guenthi57 Posted February 18, 2016 Author Posted February 18, 2016 Ok, I just did it with the "BlockFurnac hack", but I'll try doing it that way Quote
Failender Posted February 18, 2016 Posted February 18, 2016 Oh yeah forgot about that one. You better do what diesieben said its way better x) Quote
guenthi57 Posted February 18, 2016 Author Posted February 18, 2016 Ok, I did what you said and now I have another problem I added a chat message that tells the olive count. When I place a new press, it shows the exact same message twice, but when I reenter the world, the first message resets and starts at 0 whilst the second message continues with the old values. I guess that is a problem with server/client sides, so what do I have to do to fix that? Quote
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