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Smaller Blocks


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Hi all,

I am extremely new to modding, and have almost no idea what I am doing. I am creating a very basic mod (adding new blocks and items to the game), but need a much more complicated thing done before I can move on with my mod. I need to change the default block size in Minecraft so that everything is a quarter of the size. This would mean that there would be 8 blocks in the space that there used to be one. I have no idea how to do this, and am not even sure if it is possible. I am aware that there are modders who have already done this, such as in the Little Blocks Mod, but I would like to implement my own version into my mod. If it is any easier to code, I am willing to make it so that the only blocks that need to be a quarter of the size are the blocks that I have created. If anyone has any idea how to do this, their help would be greatly appreciated.



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You could scale all mobs so that they are twice the size that they should be?

Or, you could add a block that lets you place blocks in it, but I don't know how that is done.

width=300 height=100http://i.imgur.com/ivK3J.png[/img]

I'm a little surprised that I am still ranked as a "Forge Modder," having not posted a single mod since my animals mod... I have to complete Digging Deeper!, fast!

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Thanks for the response, I was considering making everything larger, but that would include making the objects like chests larger as well. I also have no idea how to make the player themselves bigger. Does anyone know how to do either of those things?



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