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[1.9] Item texture oversized,wonky held orient, and not affected by JSON changes


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Edit: Solved by derf6060 below.


I am a new modder and have been following Pahimar's video tutorial

. I understand that in Minecraft 1.8+, items now require the use of a JSON file. To the best of my ability I have implemented the item, file, and JSON.


The item I created is onyx. I copied the vanilla diamond item texture, made no changes to its size, made it black, and placed it in

<project folder>/assets/<modid>/textures/items/onyx.png


When I launch the game, the texture loads. However, it is extremely large when on the ground and is oriented differently than other items when held in hand, which I assume is because of its size. I modified the JSON to be empty and it caused the item to have a missing texture. When I fix it, the texture loads properly, so the JSON is being read. However, if I modify the paramters rotation, translation, and scale, no changes are seen in the game. How do I fix this so that the item is the same size and orientation in hand as diamond/other items and can be modified by the JSON?


Album of issue:

Full code: https://github.com/EstebanZapata/ObsidianTools

latest.log: http://pastebin.com/g1sJu2tr


Inside main mod file:

    public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {
        // Substring 5 to get rid of "item."
                .register(ModItems.onyx, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(ModItems.onyx.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5) ,"inventory"));




public final class ModItems {
    public static final ItemOT onyx = new ItemOnyx();

    public static void init() {
        GameRegistry.registerItem(onyx, "onyx");


Custom base item class:

public class ItemOT extends Item{
    public ItemOT() {


    public String getUnlocalizedName() {
        return String.format("item.%s%s", Textures.RESOURCE_PREFIX, getUnwrappedUnlocalizedName(super.getUnlocalizedName()));

    public String getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack itemStack) {
        return String.format("item.%s%s", Textures.RESOURCE_PREFIX, getUnwrappedUnlocalizedName(super.getUnlocalizedName()));

    protected String getUnwrappedUnlocalizedName(String unlocalizedName) {
        return unlocalizedName.substring(unlocalizedName.indexOf(".") + 1);



  "textures": {
  "display": {
    "thirdperson": {
      "rotation": [ -90, 0, 0 ],
      "translation": [ 0, 1, -3 ],
      "scale": [ 0.55, 0.55, 0.55 ]
    "firstperson": {
      "rotation": [ 0, -135, 25 ],
      "translation": [ 0, 4, 2 ],
      "scale": [ 1.7, 1.7, 1.7 ]

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The two json class that you should extends is...


item/generated class

    "parent": "item/generated"


and the handheld class

    "parent": "item/handheld"


The only difference between these class json classes is that "item/generated" is a basic item with a simple orientation while "item/handheld" is used for tools, sword, or some item that the player can hold in each hand.

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The two json class that you should extends is...


item/generated class

    "parent": "item/generated"


and the handheld class

    "parent": "item/handheld"


The only difference between these class json classes is that "item/generated" is a basic item with a simple orientation while "item/handheld" is used for tools, sword, or some item that the player can hold in each hand.


Thank you so much! I changed builtin/generated to item/generated and it worked.

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