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1.9 Really need some help figuring out this HUD rendering


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I have a some mana bars that get rendered on to the screen, the catch is that it only works when I have a stack of 2 feathers in my hotbar and I have no idea why or how that could possibly effect it.

My CustomHud



public class CustomHud{

private static LuxinBarRenderer[] bar_Lux;

public CustomHud(){
	Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
	Collection<ILuxin> luxin = LuxinReg.RegisteredLuxin.values();
	bar_Lux = new LuxinBarRenderer[luxin.size()];
	int index = 0;
	for(ILuxin lux : luxin)
		LogHelper.info("rendering " + lux.GetName());
		bar_Lux[index] = new LuxinBarRenderer(lux.GetName(), mc, index, lux.GetColor());

public void onEvent(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post event) {
	if(event.getType() == ElementType.ALL)

public void renderHud()
	for( LuxinBarRenderer rend : bar_Lux)




The Bar that gets rendered


public class LuxinBarRenderer {

private final static int BAR_WIDTH = 81;
private final static int BAR_HEIGHT = 9;
private final static int BAR_SPACING = 3;

private String lux;
private Minecraft mc;
private int iteration;
private int[] RGB;

public LuxinBarRenderer(String lux, Minecraft mc, int iteration, int[] RGB)
	this.lux = lux;
	this.mc = mc;
	this.iteration = iteration;
	this.RGB = RGB;

public void RenderLuxinBar()
	EntityPlayerSP player = mc.thePlayer;
	if(player == null)

	IDrafter drafter = DraftingProvider.get(player);
	if( drafter == null && !(drafter instanceof DefaultDrafter))
	DefaultDrafter prop = (DefaultDrafter) drafter;
	float avail = prop.GetAvailableLuxin().get(lux);
	float cap = prop.GetMaxLuxin().get(lux);
	LogHelper.info("Rendering " + RGB[0] + " " + RGB[1] + " " + RGB[2]);
	float percent = cap / avail;

	GL11.glColor4f((float)RGB[0]/255, (float)RGB[1]/255, (float)RGB[2]/255, .5f);

	int top = BAR_SPACING + (iteration * (BAR_SPACING + BAR_HEIGHT));
	int left = BAR_SPACING;
		GL11.glVertex2i(left, top);
		GL11.glVertex2i(left + BAR_WIDTH, top);
		GL11.glVertex2i(left + BAR_WIDTH, top + BAR_HEIGHT);
		GL11.glVertex2i(left, top + BAR_HEIGHT);
	GL11.glColor4f((float)RGB[0]/255f, (float)RGB[1]/255f, (float)RGB[2]/255f, 1f);
		int right = left + (int)(new Float(BAR_WIDTH) / percent);
		GL11.glVertex2i(left, top);
		GL11.glVertex2i(left, top + BAR_HEIGHT);
		GL11.glVertex2i(right, top + BAR_HEIGHT);
		GL11.glVertex2i(right, top);			



The log helper you see in the Bar renderer prints out the correct color values regardless of if the bar actually renders.

Current Project: Armerger 

Planned mods: Light Drafter  | Ore Swords

Looking for help getting a mod off the ground? Coding  | Textures

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Is it only with exactly 2 feathers, or can it be 2+ of any item? If it's the latter, it could be a bug with Forge / Minecraft as the extra layer that renders for the stack size might be doing something funky (it's happened before), or you may want to try using a different ElementType such as EXPERIENCE_BAR during the RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post.

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Ok, so something must be wrong with ElementType or maybe its just a case of not being able to use ==, but I removed the if test and it works just fine now. Is there a downside to not checking the element type?

Current Project: Armerger 

Planned mods: Light Drafter  | Ore Swords

Looking for help getting a mod off the ground? Coding  | Textures

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Ok ... new problem.


With nothing in my hotbar the Bars render properly.

when I have one of my items(with a custom model loader) the colors of the bars change.

when my item is not selected the bars turn black.

having a stack of 2 of any other item makes the Bars render correctly regardless of selected item.


Edit: If I look around really fast it will occasionally show the correct colors for a moment.

Current Project: Armerger 

Planned mods: Light Drafter  | Ore Swords

Looking for help getting a mod off the ground? Coding  | Textures

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I made a branch of my project that builds and has the bug happening for anyone that wants to take a look at it. Project



The base command is /lidr and the default keybinding for creating one of my items is f.

Current Project: Armerger 

Planned mods: Light Drafter  | Ore Swords

Looking for help getting a mod off the ground? Coding  | Textures

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