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[1.9] registerExtendedProperties


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was deprecated in favour of the Capability system in 1.8.9, it's now been removed completely in 1.9.


For examples, you can look at the capabilities provided by Forge (




), the capability test mod or my own mod's capabilities (API, implementation).

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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I looked at your code and read the forge documentation on capabilities and am curious about a couple things...


I fully understand the interface that tells the capability all of the data it holds and the storage class that goes with it. What I don't understand is implementing ICapabilityProvider, and if I don't implement it what do I pass into addCapability? I would be nice if someone could run through this in a bit more depth.


The forge documentation spoke of a factory as a third parameter to the register() method, and I don't quite see what this does. In addition, what exactly does the CapabilityInject annotation do?


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What I don't understand is implementing ICapabilityProvider, and if I don't implement it what do I pass into addCapability? I would be nice if someone could run through this in a bit more depth.


is something that can provide a handler for a given










implement this so they can provide capabilities (e.g.


for the inventory of an item, block or entity).


If you want to attach capabilities to an object from vanilla or another mod using


, you need to supply an


that returns your handler object. Forge uses


to wrap the


s from the event into a single





The forge documentation spoke of a factory as a third parameter to the register() method, and I don't quite see what this does.

The factory provides a new instance of the handler interface's default implementation.



In addition, what exactly does the CapabilityInject annotation do?

The doc comments of


explain its purpose pretty clearly:

  • On a field, it will set the field's value to the

    instance for the specified handler interface when it's registered.

  • On a method, it will call the method with the

    instance for the specified handler interface when it's registered.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Ok, I get the structure of a capability now, but now say I want to get data from this capability, (disregard packets, I'm talking just getting the capability itself from the player) would I just call getCapability() on the player object and pass in the capability and the default facing objects? What about modifying variables from the capability?


Edit: One implementation I have of this capability is getting some values from it to use in a book gui, and I ran getCapability() from the onItemRightClick() as I stated above and it did retrieve the correct value, however to my understanding gui's only operate on the client and information about the player is stored on the client. So I am slightly confused here...


Few more questions:


- I assume that the class the implements IStorage is where I would put all of the variables pertaining to the capability?


- Having studied java syntax and the language itself, but not having a ton of experience, I have an event handler class and a method as follows:

    public static class EventHandler {
        public void attachCapabilityEntity(AttachCapabilitiesEvent.Entity e) {
            if (e.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer) {
                e.addCapability(ID, new Provider());

My IDE is telling me that attachCapabilityEntity() is never used, shouldn't it be called on the attach capabilities event? Or can the IDE not assume an event is called?


- In the storage class, when are readNBT and writeNBT called?


More will probably arise but that's it for now. I apologize for any stupidity in the questions I ask, I am just trying to learn forge. I am also prone to over-thinking things.


Thanks for the help!

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The method gets called if you register your event handler correct (try adding a sysout to be sure)

yes you would use getCapability to get the caps.

The varialbes get saved in the implementation of your Capability. If you want to get/set the values of the cap just add the methods you need to the inferface and implement them in the implementation


public interface IManaHandler {
int getMana();
int getMaxMana();
void setMana(int mana);
void setMaxMana(int maxMana);
boolean consumeMana(int mana);
boolean regenerateMana(int mana);	

public class ManaHandler implements IManaHandler, INBTSerializable<NBTTagCompound>{

private int mana, maxMana;

public ManaHandler(int maxMana, int mana) {
	this.mana = mana;
	this.maxMana = maxMana;

public ManaHandler() {

public NBTTagCompound serializeNBT() {
	NBTTagCompound compound = new NBTTagCompound();
	compound.setInteger("mana", getMana());
    	compound.setInteger("maxmana", getMaxMana());
    	System.out.println("saving cap");
    	return compound;

public void deserializeNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {

public boolean consumeMana(int mana) {
	if(this.mana<mana) return false;
	return true;

public boolean regenerateMana(int mana) {
	if(this.mana==maxMana) return false;
	else {
		this.mana +=mana;
		return true;

public int getMana() {
	return mana;

public int getMaxMana() {

return maxMana;

public void setMana(int mana) {
	this.mana = mana;

public void setMaxMana(int maxMana) {
	this.maxMana =maxMana;

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