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Upped spawn frequency thanks to coolAlias





I created a custom hostile entity and have registered it to spawn in the forest biome for testing. I included print statements in the entity getCanSpawnHere() method to print where it has spawned. However, when I teleport to the locations where it has supposedly spawned, nothing is there. I then created a LivingSpawnEvent handler and included a print statement there as well. The console prints from both the handler and the entity class match, but nothing is there when I teleport to the coordinates. Therefore I presume it is not actually spawning. The difficulty is on easy. What do?


Inside EntityGolemObsidian https://github.com/EstebanZapata/ObsidianTools/blob/mob/src/main/java/com/estebanzapata/obsidiantools/entity/EntityGolemObsidian.java


    public boolean getCanSpawnHere() {
        BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(this.posX, this.getEntityBoundingBox().minY, this.posZ);

        System.out.println("Trying to spawn at " + blockPos.getX() + " " + blockPos.getY() + " " + blockPos.getZ());

        if (blockPos.getY() >= this.worldObj.getSeaLevel() || this.worldObj.canSeeSky(blockPos)) {
            return false;
        else {
            boolean canSpawn = super.getCanSpawnHere();

            if(canSpawn) {
                System.out.println("Spawned at " + blockPos.getX() + " " + blockPos.getY() + " " + blockPos.getZ());
            return canSpawn;


Inside the handler https://github.com/EstebanZapata/ObsidianTools/blob/mob/src/main/java/com/estebanzapata/obsidiantools/handler/TestSpawnHandler.java


public class TestSpawnHandler {

    public void test(LivingSpawnEvent event) {
        if (event.getEntityLiving() instanceof EntityGolemObsidian) {
            System.out.println("Spawned at " + event.getX() + " " + event.getY() + " " + event.getZ());



Register the entity https://github.com/EstebanZapata/ObsidianTools/blob/mob/src/main/java/com/estebanzapata/obsidiantools/init/ModEntities.java


public class ModEntities {

    public static void init() {
        registerModEntityWithEgg(EntityGolemObsidian.class, "golemObsidian", 0x3F5505, 0x4E6414);

        EntityRegistry.addSpawn(EntityGolemObsidian.class, 6, 1, 1, EnumCreatureType.MONSTER, Biomes.forest);

    public static void registerModEntityWithEgg(Class entityClass, String entityName, int eggColor, int eggSpotsColor) {
        int id = 0;

        EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(entityClass, entityName, id++, ObsidianTools.instance, 80, 3, false);
        EntityRegistry.registerEgg(entityClass, eggColor, eggSpotsColor);


Register the handler and entity from CommonProxy https://github.com/EstebanZapata/ObsidianTools/blob/mob/src/main/java/com/estebanzapata/obsidiantools/proxy/CommonProxy.java


public class CommonProxy implements IProxy {
    public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {

    public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {
        MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ConfigurationHandler());


    public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) {
        MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ObsidianArmorHandler());
        MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new TestSpawnHandler());





Look at this block:

 if (blockPos.getY() >= this.worldObj.getSeaLevel() || this.worldObj.canSeeSky(blockPos)) {
            return false;

This will ONLY spawn your mob BELOW 63 (unless you have customized it). Your debug message will print no matter if it can spawn or not because it is unconditional. Try adding a debug message inside this block:

else {
            boolean canSpawn = super.getCanSpawnHere();

            if(canSpawn) {
                System.out.println("Spawned at " + blockPos.getX() + " " + blockPos.getY() + " " + blockPos.getZ());
            return canSpawn;

Print canSpawn. Are you getting the message that says it spawned or the one about it trying to spawn?

If none of this works, I'm not sure.


There may other checks going on that prevent it from spawning after #getCanSpawnHere, though one would think that the spawn event would be correct. That's odd.


It's possible that it is simply despawning before you get there. Try setting the entity to be persistent, or return false for #canDespawn.


Alternatively, you could try increasing your entity's spawn rate to something ridiculous, like 10,000, just to see if it will spawn.


Unrelated to your issue, but in 1.8.9+ (and maybe earlier), EntityRegistry#registerModEntity optionally takes additional parameters for the egg colors and will automatically register the spawn egg for you; it is recommended to use only that method and not add spawn eggs manually.


Look at this block:

 if (blockPos.getY() >= this.worldObj.getSeaLevel() || this.worldObj.canSeeSky(blockPos)) {
            return false;

This will ONLY spawn your mob BELOW 63 (unless you have customized it). Your debug message will print no matter if it can spawn or not because it is unconditional. Try adding a debug message inside this block:

else {
            boolean canSpawn = super.getCanSpawnHere();

            if(canSpawn) {
                System.out.println("Spawned at " + blockPos.getX() + " " + blockPos.getY() + " " + blockPos.getZ());
            return canSpawn;

Print canSpawn. Are you getting the message that says it spawned or the one about it trying to spawn?

If none of this works, I'm not sure.


I ended up commenting out the majority of the getCanSpawnHere(). It is now


    public boolean getCanSpawnHere() {
        BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(this.posX, this.getEntityBoundingBox().minY, this.posZ);
        System.out.println("Trying to spawn at " + blockPos.getX() + " " + blockPos.getY() + " " + blockPos.getZ());

        boolean canSpawn = super.getCanSpawnHere();
        System.out.println("Can it spawn? " + canSpawn);
        return canSpawn;


I can actually see the entities spawned now. It seems that the print in getCanSpawnHere() is not called frequently because I see few prints from it. But the print inside the handler is spammed in my console.


[21:02:19] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.entity.EntityGolemObsidian:getCanSpawnHere:181]: Trying to spawn at -10 66 348
[21:02:19] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.entity.EntityGolemObsidian:getCanSpawnHere:184]: Can it spawn? false
[21:02:19] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -10.5 66.0 347.5
[21:02:19] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.entity.EntityGolemObsidian:getCanSpawnHere:181]: Trying to spawn at -11 66 347
[21:02:19] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.entity.EntityGolemObsidian:getCanSpawnHere:184]: Can it spawn? false
[21:02:19] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -14.5 66.0 351.5
[21:02:19] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.entity.EntityGolemObsidian:getCanSpawnHere:181]: Trying to spawn at -15 66 351
[21:02:19] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.entity.EntityGolemObsidian:getCanSpawnHere:184]: Can it spawn? false
[21:02:19] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:19] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.entity.EntityGolemObsidian:getCanSpawnHere:181]: Trying to spawn at -14 66 355
[21:02:19] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.entity.EntityGolemObsidian:getCanSpawnHere:184]: Can it spawn? true
[21:02:19] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 4.0 355.5
[21:02:20] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:21] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:22] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:22] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:23] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:24] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:25] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:25] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:27] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:27] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:28] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:29] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:30] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:30] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:31] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:32] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:33] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:33] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:35] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:35] [server thread/INFO]: [Player510: Teleported Player510 to -12.5, 66.0, 355.5]
[21:02:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleported Player510 to -12.5, 66.0, 355.5
[21:02:36] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:36] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 64.01653 67.0 404.09534
[21:02:38] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:38] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 64.01653 67.0 404.09534
[21:02:39] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:39] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 64.01653 67.0 404.09534
[21:02:41] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:41] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 64.01653 67.0 404.09534
[21:02:42] [server thread/INFO]: [Player510: Teleported Player510 to 64.5, 67.0, 404.5]
[21:02:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Teleported Player510 to 64.5, 67.0, 404.5
[21:02:43] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:44] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:44] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:46] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:46] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525
[21:02:47] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT -13.5 66.0 355.5
[21:02:48] [server thread/INFO]: [com.estebanzapata.obsidiantools.handler.TestSpawnHandler:test:15]: SPAWNED AT 73.78815 32.0 310.31525


I want the entities to spawn deep within caves, thus the reason for >= getSeaLevel and canSeeSky(). I will try uncommenting the method and teleporting around.


There may other checks going on that prevent it from spawning after #getCanSpawnHere, though one would think that the spawn event would be correct. That's odd.


It's possible that it is simply despawning before you get there. Try setting the entity to be persistent, or return false for #canDespawn.


Alternatively, you could try increasing your entity's spawn rate to something ridiculous, like 10,000, just to see if it will spawn.


Unrelated to your issue, but in 1.8.9+ (and maybe earlier), EntityRegistry#registerModEntity optionally takes additional parameters for the egg colors and will automatically register the spawn egg for you; it is recommended to use only that method and not add spawn eggs manually.


Some other checks is what I thought as well. Wouldn't setting the entity be persistent or false canDespawn be bad practice? If the player is 1000 blocks away and it cannot die, wouldn't it keep the chunk active and taking up memory?


But anyways, I uncommented the rest of the method and upped the frequency and it is actually spawning now, so perhaps it was an issue of too low frequency. I am not sure how frequent is adequate though. I would like it to be less than other mobs such as skeletons and zombies because it is a very powerful enemy. Is there anywhere I can find the frequencies of the other mobs as used in EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(entityClass, entityName, id, modInstance, weightedProbability, ...)?


Also, thanks for the spawn egg advice.


I only meant to set persistence for the purpose of testing, not permanently ;)


I don't recall where you can find the vanilla spawn rates, but most of them are in the range of 10 to 100 if I recall correctly. For my own mobs, I tend to give them spawn rates of 5-10 and they spawn regularly enough to be fun, but aren't an overwhelming presence.


I'd just play around with it until you find something you like to use as the default, and then give your users the option to set it to what they like in via your configuration file.

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