zapata Posted April 6, 2016 Share Posted April 6, 2016 [EDIT] I just put this in the render class. @Override protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityGolemObsidian entity) { if(entity.isLavaForm()) { if (entity.ticksExisted % 3 == 0) { this.textureIndex--; } if (textureIndex == -1) { textureIndex = 15; } return golemLavaTextures[textureIndex]; } else { return golemObsidianTexture; } } [OP] Hello. I have an entity where I would like lava to appear to be flowing down its body. I have tried to google every form of "forge animate entity texture" and have only seen threads where item and block textures are animated, or the model is animated. I have created a texture for each frame of the animation and my idea is to render one frame every or every other tick. I don't know how to tell Minecraft to render a new texture every tick. How do I do so? Or is there another more efficient manner of doing so? The render class public class RenderGolemObsidian extends RenderLiving<EntityGolemObsidian> { // private static final ResourceLocation[] golemLavaTextures = new ResourceLocation[16]; private static final ResourceLocation golemObsidianTexture = new ResourceLocation(Reference.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "textures/entity/golemObsidian.png"); // private static final ResourceLocation golemLavaTexture = new ResourceLocation(Reference.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "textures/entity/golemLava.png") public RenderGolemObsidian(RenderManager rendermanagerIn, ModelBase modelIn, float shadowSizeIn) { super(rendermanagerIn, modelIn, shadowSizeIn); //this.initLavaTextures(); } /*protected void initLavaTextures() { for(int i = 0; i < golemLavaTextures.length; i++) { golemLavaTextures[i] = new ResourceLocation(Reference.RESOURCE_PREFIX + "textures/entity/golemLava" + i + ".png"); } }*/ @Override protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityGolemObsidian entity) { return golemObsidianTexture; } protected void rotateCorpse(EntityGolemObsidian bat, float p_77043_2_, float p_77043_3_, float partialTicks) { super.rotateCorpse(bat, p_77043_2_, p_77043_3_, partialTicks); if ((double)bat.limbSwingAmount >= 0.01D) { float f = 13.0F; float f1 = bat.limbSwing - bat.limbSwingAmount * (1.0F - partialTicks) + 6.0F; float f2 = (Math.abs(f1 % f - f * 0.5F) - f * 0.25F) / (f * 0.25F); GlStateManager.rotate(6.5F * f2, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F); } } } Client proxy public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy { public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { super.preInit(event); RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityGolemObsidian.class, new IRenderFactory<EntityGolemObsidian>() { @Override public Render<? super EntityGolemObsidian> createRenderFor(RenderManager manager) { return new RenderGolemObsidian(manager, new ModelGolemObsidian(), 0.5f); } }); } public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) { super.init(event); ItemsRender.init(); BlocksRender.init(); } public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) { super.postInit(event); } } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexthe666 Posted April 7, 2016 Share Posted April 7, 2016 Couldn't you look at RenderCreeper to see how it renders the charged effect? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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