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[1.9] Use the vainilla spawner in custom structure


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good nights

im triying to get to work thevainilla spawner in mi custom extructurebut dongent how to load it whith an entity and an entity whith an armour and weapons


soo for now i made an item thath  use entity raytrace to create the block spawner but always is pigs spawner

// ############################################################################################3
 * Called when the player stops using an Item (stops holding the right mouse
 * button).
public void onPlayerStoppedUsing(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, EntityLivingBase player, int timeLeft) {

	int conteo = 10000 - timeLeft;

	if (!worldIn.isRemote)
		EntityPlayer playerIn = (EntityPlayer) player;

		ObjetoObjetivo oo = new ObjetoObjetivo(worldIn, player, 20, 1);

		if (oo.getHayBloque())

		RayTraceResult rt = oo.getRaytraceresult();
		Vec3d ht = rt.hitVec;

		worldIn.spawnEntityInWorld( new EntityItem(worldIn, ht.xCoord, ht.yCoord, ht.zCoord , new ItemStack(MMAF.bala9mm, 14, 1) )  );

		IBlockState mob = Blocks.mob_spawner.getDefaultState();
		worldIn.setBlockState(rt.getBlockPos(), mob);


// #########################################################################3




sooo how do i load the spaawner whith an diferent entity amd how do i set custom inventory dor this entity


thans for reading









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To add a mob you need to create the spawner TileEntity and put the name of the mob in it:


I use this method:


public static void placeSpawner(World world, int x, int y, int z, String mob) {
	BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, y, z);
	if(isProtectedBlock(world, x, y, z)) return;
	placeBlock(world, x, y, z, spawner);
	TileEntityMobSpawner theSpawner = (TileEntityMobSpawner)world.getTileEntity(pos);
	MobSpawnerBaseLogic logic = theSpawner.getSpawnerBaseLogic();


I'm not sure about adding gear -- I've never tried -- so I don't know if the vanilla strings used in command blocks work, though I'm sure there are other methods that catch the spawn event and edit the mob.


The name is just the official minecraft name (though mod id is usually needed for modded mobs, if the modder named them correctly, but no mod id for vanilla mob).  Note, if the name is wrong the game will run fine but the spawner will be empty and spawn nothing.

Developer of Doomlike Dungeons.

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its like they have not set all the options for the spawner

this make it harder to get probabuly i gonna end making a custom spawner and dont wanna do thath


anyway where i could get the name list for all entityes i been strgin trying to get a simple zombie


		IBlockState mob = Blocks.mob_spawner.getDefaultState();
		worldIn.setBlockState(rt.getBlockPos(), mob);

		TileEntityMobSpawner theSpawner = (TileEntityMobSpawner)worldIn.getTileEntity(rt.getBlockPos());
		MobSpawnerBaseLogic logic = theSpawner.getSpawnerBaseLogic();

		//EntityZombie ez = new EntityZombie(worldIn); 

		//ez.setHeldItem(EnumHand.OFF_HAND, new ItemStack( MMAF.pistola9mm_MP5T5, 1, 3) );

		//WeightedSpawnerEntity p = new WeightedSpawnerEntity( ez.getEntityData() );



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The vanilla mobs are basically just the capitalized English names without spaces (though a few could through you off):




Doomlike Dungeons and Just Another Spawner can both output names for you.  If you'd like do this yourself, you can get the list from the class "net.minecraft.entity.EntityList"


EDIT: Its case sensitive, try "Zombie" instead of "zombie" and it should work.

Developer of Doomlike Dungeons.

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In addition to the comments above, you should always do an instanceof check before casting after world.getTileEntity. You cannot guarantee that this tile entity is an instance of TileEntityMobSpawner, and if it isn't, the game will crash.

catch(Exception e)




Yay, Pokémon exception handling, gotta catch 'em all (and then do nothing with 'em).

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yea wass the upercase letter the trouble whith names, the code looks like you can set a custom nbtvalues set but until now what i try hasn work


		MobSpawnerBaseLogic logic = theSpawner.getSpawnerBaseLogic();

		EntityZombie ez = new EntityZombie(worldIn); 

		ez.setHeldItem(EnumHand.OFF_HAND, new ItemStack( MMAF.pistola9mm_MP5T5, 1, 3) );

		WeightedSpawnerEntity p = new WeightedSpawnerEntity( ez.getEntityData() );





actually i think is more conveniet to create a custom spawnner i have someting in mind i need to test first



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