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[1.7.10] How to render Mob HP Bar above Mob's position?


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Hi everyone,


So I am trying to render a mobs HP in a bar above its position if the mob is in a battle with a player (I use a string to control the triggering of the render) basically if the string contains the characters "Fighting:" then the hp bar should render above the mob. So far I tried the following


(which is kinda cool but not what I want)


(the code below changes the colour of the mob from green to yellow to orange to red as the mob takes damage (I want my health bar to do the same aswell).


Im not really experienced with this sort of thing so the code below is code that I created for rendering and Hp bar for the player in his HUD: Im using this as a basis to go off of. Any help / suggestions on what to do next are appreciated.


My Renderer Class

public class RenderCustomEntity extends RenderLiving // if I extend RendererLivingEntity the Exp bar always renders and we don't want this
private ModelBase playerModel = new ModelBiped();
private ModelBase consistentModel;
  //  private GameProfile gameProfile = null;
private ResourceLocation consistentTexture;
private ResourceLocation currentTexture;
private Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();

public RenderCustomEntity(ModelBase model, String textureName, float shadowRadius)
	super(model, shadowRadius);
	this.consistentTexture = new ResourceLocation("customMod:textures/mob/" + textureName);
	this.consistentModel = model;

private static final ResourceLocation healthBarTexture = new ResourceLocation("customMod:textures/gui/HealthBar.png");

public void doRender(Entity entity, double x, double y, double z, float f, float F)
	if (entity instanceof EntityCustomEntity)
		EntityCustomEntity customEntity= (EntityCustomEntity) entity;

		if(customEntity.inBattle != null && customEntity.inBattle.contains("Fighting:")){
			int currentHp = customEntity.stats.currentHp;
			int maxHp = customEntity.stats.hp;
			int width = mc.displayWidth;
			int height = mc.displayHeight;

			int healthBarWidth = (int)(((float) currentHp/ maxHp) * 71);
			drawTexturedModalRect(width/2 -106, height- 40, 0, 0, 77, 9);
			int xOffset = 0;
			if(currentHp >=100){
				xOffset = -6;
			if(healthBarWidth > 30){
				drawTexturedModalRect(width/2 -106 + 2, height- 40 + 1, 0, 9, healthBarWidth, 5);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -91 + xOffset, height- 49, 0);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -89 + xOffset, height- 49, 0);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -90 + xOffset, height- 50, 0);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -90 + xOffset, height- 48, 0);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -90 + xOffset, height- 49, 56576);
				} else if(healthBarWidth <= 30 && healthBarWidth >10 ){
				drawTexturedModalRect(width/2 -106 + 2, height- 40 + 1, 0, 14, healthBarWidth, 5);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -91 + xOffset, height- 49, 0);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -89 + xOffset, height- 49, 0);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -90 + xOffset, height- 50, 0);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -90 + xOffset, height- 48, 0);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -90 + xOffset, height- 49, 15064320);
					}else if(healthBarWidth <=10){
				drawTexturedModalRect(width/2 -106 + 2, height- 40 + 1, 0, 19, healthBarWidth, 5);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -91 + xOffset, height- 49, 0);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -89 + xOffset, height- 49, 0);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -90 + xOffset, height- 50, 0);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -90 + xOffset, height- 48, 0);
				this.mc.fontRenderer.drawString("HP: " + (int)this.mc.thePlayer.getHealth() + "/" + currentHp, width/2 -90 + xOffset, height- 49, 15015936);

		String ownerName = customEntity.getEntityIsMorphedToPlayer();

		if (ownerName != null && !ownerName .equals(""))
				this.currentTexture = AbstractClientPlayer.locationStevePng;
				this.mainModel = this.playerModel;

			this.currentTexture = this.consistentTexture;
			this.mainModel = this.consistentModel;
	super.doRender(entity, x, y, z, f, F);

protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(Entity entity)
	return this.currentTexture;

 protected float zLevel;
 public void drawTexturedModalRect(int x, int y, int u, int v, int rectWidth, int rectHeight)
	    float f = 0.00390625F;
        float f1 = 0.00390625F;
        Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;
        tessellator.addVertexWithUV((double)(x + 0), (double)(y + rectHeight), (double)this.zLevel, (double)((float)(u + 0) * f), (double)((float)(v + rectHeight) * f1));
        tessellator.addVertexWithUV((double)(x + rectWidth), (double)(y + rectHeight), (double)this.zLevel, (double)((float)(u + rectWidth) * f), (double)((float)(v + rectHeight) * f1));
        tessellator.addVertexWithUV((double)(x + rectWidth), (double)(y + 0), (double)this.zLevel, (double)((float)(u + rectWidth) * f), (double)((float)(v + 0) * f1));
        tessellator.addVertexWithUV((double)(x + 0), (double)(y + 0), (double)this.zLevel, (double)((float)(u + 0) * f), (double)((float)(v + 0) * f1));

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