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Minecarft Server Help "Igonoring Unknown Attribute"


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I have this problem where when i join the game I dont have some of my modded items but i still have blocks from Tinkers Construct and Thaumcraft. (NOTE: all mods worked fine in single player and with evolve with my friends. NOTE: i also have liteloader and i dont know how to implement that into the forge server.) Here is the Log:




[14:37:05 INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.7.10

[14:37:05 INFO]: Loading properties

[14:37:05 ERROR]: Exception handling console input

java.io.IOException: The handle is invalid

at java.io.FileInputStream.readBytes(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_92]

at java.io.FileInputStream.read(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_92]

at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_92]

at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_92]

at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_92]

at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_92]

at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_92]

at java.io.InputStreamReader.read(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_92]

at java.io.BufferedReader.fill(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_92]

at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_92]

at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_92]

at lv.run(SourceFile:79) [minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar:?]

[14:37:05 INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL

[14:37:05 INFO]: Generating keypair

[14:37:05 INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on "I took this out"

[14:37:06 INFO]: Preparing level "Modded LAN World"

[14:37:06 INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageTower

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageBanker

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageTower

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageBanker

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageTower

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageBanker

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageTower

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageBanker

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageTower

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageTower

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageBanker

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageTower

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageBanker

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageTower

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageBanker

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageBanker

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageBanker

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageTower

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageBanker

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TCVillageTower

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:ToolWorkshopStructure

[14:37:06 WARN]: Skipping Piece with id TConstruct:SmelteryStructure

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileNode

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileEldritchCap

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileEldritchCap

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileNode

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileEldritchCap

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileEldritchCap

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileEldritchCap

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileEldritchCap

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileEldritchAltar

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileEldritchObelisk

[14:37:07 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 48%

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileNode

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileNode

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileNode

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileNode

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileNode

[14:37:07 WARN]: Skipping BlockEntity with id TileNode

[14:37:07 INFO]: Done (1.402s)! For help, type "help" or "?"

[14:37:18 INFO]: UUID of player ButterMiner72 is bf20d69e-b54c-4d9d-a17d-375559511093

[14:37:18 INFO]: ButterMiner72[/"I took this out"] logged in with entity id 238 at (-252.30000001192093, 79.0, 249.30000001192093)

[14:37:18 INFO]: ButterMiner72 joined the game

[14:37:24 INFO]: ButterMiner72 lost connection: TextComponent{text='Disconnected', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null}}

[14:37:24 INFO]: ButterMiner72 left the game

[14:39:14 INFO]: UUID of player Wheelieguy is a8d2509f-f622-45be-9970-8c8c5a7899c4

[14:39:14 INFO]: Wheelieguy[/"I took this out] logged in with entity id 438 at (373.3310150611482, 71.0, -317.0340417381071)

[14:39:14 INFO]: Wheelieguy joined the game

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:32 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:34 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:36 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:36 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:36 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:36 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:41 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:41 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:41 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:41 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:41 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:41 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:41 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:41 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:42 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.penetrateArmor'

[14:39:42 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.daze'

[14:39:42 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.attackSpeed'

[14:39:42 WARN]: Ignoring unknown attribute 'weapon.mountedBonus'

[14:39:58 WARN]: Wheelieguy was kicked for floating too long!

[14:39:58 WARN]: Wheelieguy was kicked for floating too long!

[14:39:58 INFO]: Wheelieguy lost connection: TextComponent{text='Flying is not enabled on this server', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null}}

[14:39:58 INFO]: Wheelieguy left the game




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