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1.9. Giving textures with different color based on a grayscale (Like Spawn Eggs)


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Hello, I have been making this spawner stick that throws an egg, but I can't seem to find a way to make the stick have a different color on the texture based on what parameters are passed in. I have looked throughout all of the source of minecraft, and I couldn't find how spawn eggs are given different textures. And to clarify, I am trying to use a gray-scaled, two-layered model, and changing the color scheme of it, and by giving it a different parameter, I can get a different colored texture with the same look.

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You'll need to create a class that implements IItemColor and register it with the ItemColors class, there's a getter for ItemColors in Minecraft(The class) . Do not ever reference your IItemColor server-side, IItemColor is client-side only so it does not exist in the server .jar.


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implementation receives a tint index argument telling it which part of the model is being coloured. This also applies to


, which is used to colour blocks.


For regular models, the tint index is specified per face of each element.


For models that extend




, which extends


), the tint index is the texture's layer number (0 for the



Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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