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Updating to 1.9.4, altering the animation order of a bow.


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if anyone has any idea how to do the below in 1.9.4 it would be appreciated.


Just to clarify, the below code is part of an entity file. The entity, when aggro'd would display a fully drawn bow. Once fired, the animation would cycle back to fully drawn. When the entity had no target, the bow animation was the default(undrawn). It was largely a reversal of animation order, tied to the entity animation counter.


I can see how the bow files getIcon method was update to the addPropertyOverride method, but have no idea how to tap into that from the entity file. I'm not really sure where to go from there.




//from EntityLizardmanStalker




    public IIcon getItemIcon(ItemStack p_70620_1_, int p_70620_2_)


        IIcon iicon = super.getItemIcon(p_70620_1_, p_70620_2_);


        if(this.getHasTarget() == 2 && p_70620_1_.getItem() instanceof ItemBow)


                int j = 0 + this.animationTimer;


                if (j >= 15)


                    return ((ItemBow)p_70620_1_.getItem()).getIcon(p_70620_1_, 0);



                if (j > 10)


                return ((ItemBow)p_70620_1_.getItem()).getItemIconForUseDuration(0);



                if (j > 5)


                return ((ItemBow)p_70620_1_.getItem()).getItemIconForUseDuration(1);



                if (j >= 0)


                return ((ItemBow)p_70620_1_.getItem()).getItemIconForUseDuration(2);





        if(this.getHasTarget() != 2) {

        iicon = //p_70620_1_.getItem() == Items.bow ?

            ((ItemBow)p_70620_1_.getItem()).getIcon(p_70620_1_, 0);// :

            //((boneGripBow)w2theJungle.boneGripBow).getIcon2(p_70620_1_, p_70620_2_, (EntityLivingBase)this, this.attackStatus, this.attackTime);


        return iicon;




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