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[1.7.10] Opening gui from another gui


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I've made an item that has a GUI, and at the press of a button I want it to open another GUI. The only differences between where it works and where it doesnt is that one is being opened from a TileEntity and the other is opened from an ItemStack.


Here is an example of where its been done before



public class GuiDialingDevice extends BaseGui {
    public static final int CONTAINER_SIZE = 175, CONTAINER_WIDTH = 256;
    TileDialingDevice dial;
    TileController controller;
    GuiButton buttonDial;

    public GuiDialingDevice(TileDialingDevice d, EntityPlayer p) {
        super(new ContainerDialingDevice(d, p.inventory), CONTAINER_SIZE);
        texture = new ResourceLocation("enhancedportals", "textures/gui/dialling_device.png");
        xSize = CONTAINER_WIDTH;
        dial = d;
        controller = dial.getPortalController();
        name = "gui.dialDevice";

    public void initGui() {

        buttonDial = new GuiButton(1, guiLeft + xSize - 147, guiTop + ySize - 27, 140, 20, Localization.get("gui.terminate"));
        buttonDial.enabled = controller.isPortalActive();
        buttonList.add(new GuiButton(0, guiLeft + 7, guiTop + ySize - 27, 100, 20, Localization.get("gui.manualEntry")));

        addElement(new ElementScrollDiallingDevice(this, dial, 7, 28));
        addTab(new TabTip(this, "dialling"));
    protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) {
        if (button.id == 0) // Manual Entry
            EnhancedPortals.packetPipeline.sendToServer(new PacketRequestGui(dial, GuiHandler.ADDRESS_BOOK_B)); // Open DialingManual
        } else if (button.id == 1) // Terminate
            if (controller.isPortalActive()) {
                NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound();
                tag.setBoolean("terminate", true);
                EnhancedPortals.packetPipeline.sendToServer(new PacketGuiData(tag));




Here is what I've done and tried to replicate



public class GuiAddressBook extends BaseGui

    public static final int CONTAINER_SIZE = 175, CONTAINER_WIDTH = 256;
    GuiButton buttonAddressBookEntry;

    public GuiAddressBook(EntityPlayer player)
        super(new ContainerAddressBook(player.inventory), CONTAINER_SIZE);
        texture = new ResourceLocation("enhancedportals", "textures/gui/address_book.png");
        xSize = CONTAINER_WIDTH;
        name = "gui.addressBook";

    public void initGui() {
        buttonAddressBookEntry = new GuiButton(0, guiLeft + 78, guiTop + ySize - 27, 100, 20, Localization.get("gui.addressEntry"));

        //addElement(new ElementScrollAddressBook(this, addressBook, 7, 28));


    protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button)
        if (button.id == 0)
            EnhancedPortals.packetPipeline.sendToServer(new PacketRequestGui(GuiHandler.ADDRESS_BOOK_B));



My GuiHandler, and PacketRequestGui



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