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[SOLVED] [1.8] Item Rendering


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Hello guys,


I want to make a CLIENT ONLY mod.

I would like to change the texture of an item, if it has a specific name.


The item is an normal apple.

Its name is "Apple"

==> Normal Apple-texture


The item is an normal apple.

Its name is "Special Apple"

==> Own Texture


Is this even possible and if yes, how could I do it?

I don't find any events regarding to this (I can't just do e.setTexture(new ResourceLocation("")); ).


Thanks in advance


Bringing the best mod back alive! Our mod REFORGED!

Balkon's Weapons for 1.8: https://github.com/TheOnlySilverClaw/Reforged/releases

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You will need to assign custom IModel (baked) to item during game startup and make it return different baked models depending on ItemStack's NBT.

I recommend searching for threads regarding this topic as it is pretty big and not that simple.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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You will need to assign custom IModel (baked) to item during game startup and make it return different baked models depending on ItemStack's NBT.

I recommend searching for threads regarding this topic as it is pretty big and not that simple.


Ok, thanks :)

But I don't know how to do this exactly :(


Update to 1.10.2. Then you can do this with ItemOverrides.

Register your own IItemPropertyGetter to the apple item. Then make an ItemOverride instance that reacts to that property and stuff it into the apple model.


This sounds good, but I do this for a little Server Network, which runs at 1.8 at the moment :/ Maybe we will update it... Thanks to you, too :)


But: Is there really no other method? :(

Bringing the best mod back alive! Our mod REFORGED!

Balkon's Weapons for 1.8: https://github.com/TheOnlySilverClaw/Reforged/releases

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Ok, we have updated our network now and I updated my mod.

I'm just following your "guide":

Quite hacky, but this should work:


All in preInit:

  • Register an implementation of





    with a


    with your ModID.

    • In this

      , check if the supplied stack is your potion and return 1 if so, 0 otherwise.



    and register it with


    (you'll have to cast to



    • In this listener, call
      Minecraft.getMinecraft.getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().getItemModel(new ItemStack(Items.POTIONITEM));

      to obtain the baked model for the potion.

    • Obtain the

      for the model using


      and get the field


      from it (you'll need reflection as this field is private).

    • This field gives you a

      . Create your own


      and add it to the list. The constructor for


      takes 2 parameters: A


      and a

      Map<ResourceLocation, Float>

      . The


      is the identifier for the model you want your potion to have (like you would use when normally registering an item). The


      needs to contain a single entry, the key being the


      that identifies your


      from the first step, the value being (as a


      ) 1.


You might additionally need to tell Minecraft to pre-load your Model using


in preInit.

But how would I do this, if I need to set a new Texture for a block? May I just call Item.getItemFromBlock(...) or is there a other method?


EDIT: But there is something odd... o_O If I do this in the preInit, like you said, then I get a NullPointer at getRenderItem()... In the init - method it works, but now the textures are changed even when the item does not have the name I wrote in the IItemPropertyGetter...


EDIT 2: Item.getItemFromBlock works, but I don't know how to replace the texture of the block itself, when it got placed :/

Bringing the best mod back alive! Our mod REFORGED!

Balkon's Weapons for 1.8: https://github.com/TheOnlySilverClaw/Reforged/releases

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Is this still an issue? If so please post your code.


Yes, this is still an issue :/ My Code is here: https://github.com/Rustico-Network/RusticoHelper/tree/master/java/de/thexxturboxx/rusticohelper


For blocks this is quite a bit trickier. When do you want the texture change to take effect here? Blocks do not have names after all.


In Bukkit/Spigot, there is an option to set metadata-keys with values (see here, the code in the first post is an example: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/meta-data-on-placed-blocks.55072/)


EDIT: I found something in the log:


But why does Forge search in the folder "rusticohelper:item/textures/items/crook.png"??? The normal folder would be "rusticohelper:items/crook", right?

Bringing the best mod back alive! Our mod REFORGED!

Balkon's Weapons for 1.8: https://github.com/TheOnlySilverClaw/Reforged/releases

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Now everything besides from the Blocks, when they got placed, works fine, thanks :) (See my code here: https://github.com/Rustico-Network/RusticoHelper )

But I had to do 2 more steps... I had to register the normal model of the vanilla-item, too.

And I had to register the ModelResourceLocation in the ItemOverride-constructor, not a normal ResourceLocation, but thank you very much!


I will just let the blocks be the vanilla ones xD

Bringing the best mod back alive! Our mod REFORGED!

Balkon's Weapons for 1.8: https://github.com/TheOnlySilverClaw/Reforged/releases

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