tripl3dogdare Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 I'm working with the capability system for mana and custom levels/experience, and trying to expose custom Forge events for things like leveling up or your mana being full. However, as far as I can tell I either have to do this externally (not optimal) or have some way of getting or storing the player by capability instance. Any ideas on how to do this efficiently? LevelHandler: trait LevelHandlerLike { var level,maxLevel:Int var exp:Float def expToNext = if(level >= maxLevel) 0 else Math.pow(level, 1.1).toFloat*100 def setLevel(lvl:Int) { level = lvl; updateLevelInfo } def setExp(amt:Float) { exp = amt; updateLevelInfo } def setMaxLevel(lvl:Int) = maxLevel = lvl def addExp(amt:Float) = setExp(exp+amt) def updateLevelInfo { if(level >= maxLevel) { exp = 0; return } if(exp >= expToNext) { exp -= expToNext setLevel(Math.min(level+1, maxLevel)) } } def copyTo(lh:LevelHandlerLike) { lh.setMaxLevel(maxLevel) lh.setLevel(level) lh.setExp(exp) } } class LevelHandler(var level:Int = 0, var exp:Float = 0, var maxLevel:Int = 0) extends LevelHandlerLike with ICapabilitySerializable[NBTTagCompound] { private var dirty = true private var lvupev = false def shouldFireLevelUpEvent:Boolean = { val o = lvupev; lvupev = false; o } private def updateDirty[T <% Float](bfr:T, aft:T, isLevel:Boolean=false) = if(bfr != aft) { dirty = true; if(isLevel) lvupev = true } override def setLevel(lvl:Int) { val old = level; super.setLevel(lvl); updateDirty(old, level, true) } override def setExp(amt:Float) { val old = exp; super.setExp(amt); updateDirty(old, exp) } override def setMaxLevel(lvl:Int) { val old = maxLevel; super.setMaxLevel(lvl); updateDirty(old, maxLevel) } def updateClient(player:EntityPlayer, force:Boolean=false) = if(!player.worldObj.isRemote && (force || dirty)) { MessageUpdateClient(this), player.asInstanceOf[EntityPlayerMP]); dirty = false } def hasCapability(capability:Capability[_], f:EnumFacing) = capability == Capabilities.LEVEL def getCapability[T](capability:Capability[T], f:EnumFacing) = { if(capability == Capabilities.LEVEL) this else null }.asInstanceOf[T] def serializeNBT:NBTTagCompound = { val nbt = new NBTTagCompound nbt.setInteger("level", level) nbt.setFloat("exp", exp) nbt.setInteger("maxLevel", maxLevel) nbt } def deserializeNBT(nbt:NBTTagCompound) = { setLevel(nbt.getInteger("level")) setExp(nbt.getFloat("exp")) setMaxLevel(nbt.getInteger("maxLevel")) } } object LevelHandler { def instanceFor(player:EntityPlayer) = player.getCapability(Capabilities.LEVEL, null) def getHandlerInstance = new LevelHandler def getStorageInstance = new LevelHandler.Storage def getHandlerFactory = new Callable[LevelHandler] { def call = new LevelHandler } class Storage extends IStorage[LevelHandler] { def writeNBT(cap:Capability[LevelHandler], ins:LevelHandler, f:EnumFacing) = ins.asInstanceOf[LevelHandler].serializeNBT def readNBT(cap:Capability[LevelHandler], ins:LevelHandler, f:EnumFacing, nbt:NBTBase) = ins.asInstanceOf[LevelHandler].deserializeNBT(nbt.asInstanceOf[NBTTagCompound]) } class MessageUpdateClient(lh:LevelHandlerLike) extends IMessage with LevelHandlerLike { var level,maxLevel:Int = 0 var exp:Float = 0 if(lh != null) lh.copyTo(this) def this() = this(null) def fromBytes(buf:ByteBuf) { level = buf.readInt; exp = buf.readFloat; maxLevel = buf.readInt } def toBytes(buf:ByteBuf) { buf.writeInt(level); buf.writeFloat(exp); buf.writeInt(maxLevel) } } object MessageUpdateClient { class Handler extends IMessageHandler[MessageUpdateClient, IMessage] { def onMessage(msg:MessageUpdateClient, ctx:MessageContext):IMessage = { Minecraft.getMinecraft.addScheduledTask(new Runnable { def run = { val player = Minecraft.getMinecraft.thePlayer val lh = LevelHandler.instanceFor(player) msg.copyTo(lh) }}) null } } def register(net:SimpleNetworkWrapper, id:Int) = net.registerMessage(classOf[MessageUpdateClient.Handler], classOf[MessageUpdateClient], id, Side.CLIENT) } } You can see my hacky, sort-of-works way of doing it in LevelHandler.shouldFireLevelUpEvent and related.. but this relies on the EventHandler checking this any place that it updates the LevelHandler. Bleh. I can handle the ManaHandler with the same concept once I get the LevelHandler exposed. Quote Github: Youtube: Twitter: Twitter RP:
Ernio Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 Is there anything stopping you from storing EntityPlayer in field inside capability? Because that is the right way to do it. Capability doesn't really change owner (unless you want it to), so you basically can just put such field inside it and set it on capability creation (during attach event). Other approach is to simply make it as passed arg, by putting EntityPlayer in all methods that use it and then pass it from callers side (so eg. from Forge Event), but this one is too much of a hassle. Quote 1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.
tripl3dogdare Posted October 17, 2016 Author Posted October 17, 2016 The only real problem with that approach is that due to the auto-constructed nature of capabilities, that becomes a bit of a logistical pain in the backside. For example, the function for registering a capability takes a factory for them, in a context where I have no possible way to access the player. I'll probably just end up making them a nulled optional argument... Not optimal either, but depending on how i play it I could get it to work (probably...) Quote Github: Youtube: Twitter: Twitter RP:
tripl3dogdare Posted October 17, 2016 Author Posted October 17, 2016 Except doing it that way would require two separate implementations - not very clean at all. Wouldn't null-checking be cleaner than that? I don't know, maybe that's just me being weird about how I code. Quote Github: Youtube: Twitter: Twitter RP:
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